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Retrete de Tanque con Desvío de Orina

No change in size, 12:03, 15 February 2011
Referencias y links externos
==Referencias i links externos==
* Muench, E. v. and Winker, M. (2009). Technology Review on Urine diversion components. Overview of urine diversion components such as waterless urinals, urine diversion toilets, urine storage and reuse systems. German Technical Co- operation (GTZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany.Available: [ struktur/wasser/9397.htm struktur/wasser/9397.htm] (Information about specialized urinals, which include stench traps and other specialized features, is included.)
* Kvarnström, E., et al. (2006). Urine Diversion – One step towards sustainable sanitation. Report 2006–1. Ecosan Res: Series de Publicación Ecosan, Estocolmo. Disponible en: []

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