|headquarters=Visitors address: Juliana van Stolberglaan 3 2595 CA Den Haag
|contact=NL Innovatie Secretariaat EUREKA/Innovatiesubsidie Samenwerkingsprojecten Postbus 93144 2509 AC Den Haag tel: +31(0)88 602 54 10
|aim=The objective of the Eurostars Programme is to bring increased value to the economy, higher growth and more job opportunities by supporting the R&D- erforming SME.
|moreinfo=R&D-performing SMEs, according to the EU definition, are SMEs that invest 10% or more of their turn-over or their full-time equivalent personal in research and development activities.
|target_organisations=Private company
|target_org=R&D-performing SMEs in Eurostar countries
|project_kind=Research or pilot, Implementation
|target_projects=international research and development project
|target_criteria=Eligibility criteria: The leading R&D-performing SME is based in a Eurostars member country. The R&D-performing SME(s) and other SME(s) fulfil(s) the European Union definition. Maximum project duration is 3 years or less. Market introduction is foreseen within 2 years after the project has ended. A well balanced partnership whereby no partner or country is performing more than 75% of the total project cost. All participants are legal entities.
|finance_mech=45% of the research costs 35% of the development costs
|funding_range=Less than 50.000 Euro, 50.000 - 250.000 Euro, 250.000 - 1 million Euro
|finance_period=2 deadlines per year
|proc_application=Two steps: - Central application (digital) - Dutch application (after ranking by IEP)
|proc_selection=The Independent Evaluation Panel (IEP) will evaluate and rank project proposals.Three evaluation criteria will be used: - Basic assessment - Technology and innovation - Market and competitiveness Eurostars projects will be funded primarily through national research schemes. The ranking is leading.