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2. ICZM: International perspective

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involve stakeholders and the need to take into account both the terrestrial and the marine
components of the coastal zone.
One of the important areas of implementation is the Mediterranean, where many countries
share and use a vulnerable sea with important economic and ecologic significance. The cooperation to keep this sea clean and sustainable has a long history (a ICZM Barcelona Convention was signed in 1995), but the signing of the Barcelona Protocol in 2008 was an important milestone as this protocol provides an uniform guideline on ICZM for all nations in
The ICZM Protocol is a legal document and the framework for international and national Actions Plans and Road Maps.
The ultimate objective of the ICZM Protocol is to contribute to the vision for the Mediterranean Sea and coast as: “A healthy Mediterranean with marine and coastal ecosystems that
are productive and biologically diverse, contributing to sustainable development for the benefit of present and future generations”. (UNEP/MAP Mid-Term Strategy 2016-2021).
The strength of the Protocol is both in the scope and the legal implications: the Protocol includes land-sea interactions like pollution on land as long as this pollution reaches the sea
and the Protocol is to be used as framework in spatial planning and environmental assessment tools (SEA, EIA). The Protocol also promotes ecosystem approaches and /nature-based
solutions to maintain or restore the natural capacity of the coast to adapt to changes.
The Protocol is also a solution for the main problem of ICZM: sustainable management of the
coastal zone will only be effective if all sectors and stakeholders apply the same ICZM principles in their policies and activities.
The Protocol applies therefore to all plans (sectoral or integrated) and this is safeguarded as
the Protocol is undersigned at nation-level (not between sectoral ministries). As a result, the
Protocol is an all-encompassing instrument and not a sectoral (marine or water) instrument
with all the scope limitations of sectoral plans.
The Protocol contains a set of definitions (what is ICZM), a legal framework (international
conventions and partnerships), objectives, principles, guidelines on cooperation and coordination and concrete guidelines on coastal protection, land use and environmental protection.
A joint centre (Priority Actions Programme/Regional Activity Centre-PAP/RAC) was established to support and monitor implementation.
==== ''2.3 Province of Zeeland (The Netherlands)'' ====The province of Zeeland has developed a vision on their coastal zone3. This entails a strategy
for an integrated approach to planning in and management of the coastal zone, of Zeeland
in which all policies, sectors and to the highest possible extent, individual interests are
properly taken into account, with proper consideration given to the full range of temporal
and spatial scales, involving all coastal stakeholders in a participative way.
The province of Zeeland used to exist of sandy planes for about 10.000 years an then intertidal flats for around 8.000 years. Later on salt marshes, intertidal marshes and peat landscape developed. It is quite literally a land that was born out of the sea. For the last 500 years
the people there have invested in water safety and reclaimed land from the sea. In 1953 during springtide a big storm hit Zeeland and because of the water level the dykes breached,
many people lost their lives. Action was taken to never let this happen again: The Delta
Works were built. However the last years it was seen that the coast is more than just the protection against the sea.
Based on this the province has developed their new policy, even though the province does
not carry this responsibility on its own. The safety authority Zeeland is responsible for evacuation and evacuation plans. The province is responsible for secondary dikes and Rijkswaterstaat (part of the ministry) and the Water Authority are responsible for the primary dykes. As
parties involved. Equality was very important during this process. So, their role as government changed: Not the top-down policy maker, but a partner with a facilitating role so stakeholders could join forces.
'==== ''2.4 Best practices''''''Bold text'''====
The Barcelona Protocol is a mode seems very well applicable for ICZM cooperation in Central
• It provides clear definitions and scope of ICZM;
• It contains a set of guidelines for coastal management, spatial planning and economic development;
• It acknowledges the impact of terrestrial activities on the coastal area and sea;
• It lifts ICZM from sectoral planning to integrated planning;
• As all players in the coastal area are signatories, horizontal and vertical integration is
assured. As in the development of the Zeeland vision a lesson is to do this early on
as there are multiple interests in the coastal zone.
In the protocol a vision can be embedded which allows for adaptive planning (as in the Deltaplan Bangladesh) to make sure there will be no over or under investing. One of the main
challenges in the Indonesian institutional setting is the complexity of inter-governmental cooperation, both horizontal (between departments) and vertical (between authorities). Each
commitments under such a Protocol and can support implementation of (sectoral) policies
based on the Protocol.
Final Content Report Integrated Coastal Zone Management | 21-9-21 | Pagina 8/48
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