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Joint Monitoring Program (JMP)

Standard Profile
Name Joint Monitoring Program (JMP): Household Drinking Water
JMP Household Drinking water logo.png
Sector Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Creator WHO and UNICEF
What the standard measures

Proportions of the population nationally, regionally and globally:

  • Main drinking water source
  • Secondary water sources (water that may be used for cooking and hand washing, but not drinking)
  • Location of drinking water source
  • Time to collect drinking water
  • Availability of drinking water
  • Drinking water quality at the source
Priority indicators

Proportions of the population that uses:

  1. Improved drinking water sources
  2. Piped improved drinking water sources
  3. Non-piped improved drinking water sources
  4. Unimproved drinking water sources
  5. No drinking water facility (surface water)
  6. Improved water sources exceeding 30 minutes collection time (limited drinking water services)
  7. Improved water sources not exceeding 30 minutes collection time (basic drinking water services)
  8. Improved water sources which are accessible on premises
  9. Improved water sources which are available when needed
  10. Improved water sources which are free from contamination
  11. Safely managed drinking water services

Indicator details are elaborated in this JMP Methodology document.

Link to SDGs 1.4, 3.9.2, 6, 6.1, 6.2

SDG indicator definitions are explained in this document.

Key users of the standard
  • National entities entities responsible for water sanitation and hygiene, health, and education
  • Global health organizations
  • Development sector organizations (non governmental organizations, civil society organizations, faith based organizations, private sector)
How users analyze data Household drinking water service levels are calculated based on responses, and then households are classified on the JMP Drinking Water Service Ladder for further analysis:
Safely Managed
Drinking water from an improved water source which is located on premises, available when needed and free from faecal and priority chemical contamination
Drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing
Drinking water from an improved source for which collection time exceeds 30 minutes for a roundtrip including queuing
Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected spring
Surface Water
Drinking water directly from a river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal or irrigation canal

Service levels and priority indicators are monitored at national, regional, and global levels.

How users act on data Data is used to
  • Influence policy, program interventions, and national development plans
  • Monitor Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress / other global commitments
  • Influence public perception on national and global household drinking water statuses

The JMP Drinking Water service ladder is used to classify, baseline and compare drinking water services across regions, countries and communities.

How users create reports aligned with the standard Reporting is coordinated at the country level by national statistical offices and

key sector institutions (i.e. ministries of water and sanitation, regulators of drinking water and sanitation services)

Where users submit reports National committees responsible for SDG monitoring and reporting

Reporting context:
2017 Thematic Report on Safely Managed Drinking Water

Languages in which standard is available English
Standardized survey template(s)

JMP Core Questions on Household Drinking Water*
*JMP Core questions on Drinking Water are explained in the 2018 Update Core questions on water, sanitation and hygiene for household surveys document.

Digitized in Akvo Flow

JMP Core Questions on Household Drinking Water

Excel versions of Standardized surveys

JMP Core Questions on Household Drinking Water

Standardized data visualization dashboards

JMP Household Drinking Water

Standardized Survey Profile Form (SSP) JMP Household Drinking Water
Date standard was last updated 2020
Current version of standard (# or name) Not versioned
Source https://washdata.org/monitoring/drinking-water