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234 bytes removed, 23:51, 27 August 2015
| valign="top" | - 不需要对土地进行太多准备,因此比其它渗入方式性价比更高 <br>
- 大部分河流中的沉淀物(如70%)会沉淀在土地上,有益于农业 <br>
- Good for infiltrating runoff water – measurements in Iran showed that 83对于径流水渗入很有好处—伊朗的测量数据显示83.5% of the river water was infiltrated的河水依靠下渗<br>| valign="top" | - Large surfaces of land have to be made available for it to work 需要大面积的土地 <br>- River flows in ephemeral rivers can be unpredictable in time and volume, which can lead to unpredictable spread on the land and damage tostructures季节性河流的水量在时间和流量上难以预计,这将导致无法预计水流在土地上的流经面积,并会对这种方式造成损害<br>- High sediment loads can reduce recharge rates over time. Their deposition also means farmland level gets raised above village, which causes the village to flood. Also riverbanks can breach, as a result.大量沉淀物会导致补给率逐渐降低。沉淀物还会造成农田比村庄地势高,从而导致村庄发生洪涝灾害,甚至决堤。<br>- Labour intensive work to create embankments for conveying storm water (in Eritrea, banks are between 5修建河堤抵挡洪水需要大量的人力(在厄立特里亚国,河堤高度是5-10 metres high)10米)<br>- Unintentional negative impacts on water downstream when not carefully designed. Especially when the floodwater never reaches the sea – in this case, all water is already allocated in the basin and withdrawal in one place will be more likely to negatively affect another. 如果设计不当会对下游造成负面影响。尤其是当洪水不会流入海洋时,所有的水已经流入盆地,在一处抽水更有可能影响另一处 <br>

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