
Hippo roller

3 bytes added, 03:38, 3 October 2013
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[[Image:hippo roller icon.png|right|100px80px]]
[[Image:hippo roller.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The hippo roller in use at a local water hole. Photo: []]]
[[Image:hippo roller 2.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The Hippo Water Roller Project is in the process of appointing local manufacturers in other countries where there is sufficient demand for Hippo rollers to justify the setup cost. <br>Photo: []]]
[[Image:hippo spaza.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The "HIPPO MOBILE SPAZA" utilizes the Hippo Water Roller as a transport vehicle and display facility for products to be sold in rural and informal communities. Photo: []]]
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The hippo water roller is a barrel-shaped container. It improves access to water by rolling along the ground. It was specifically designed to alleviate the suffering caused by traditional methods of transporting water in buckets.
The Hippo roller's main use is to enable people without water on tap to transport water from distant water sources back to their homes.
====Global and local impact====
The aim of the Hippo Water Roller Project is to reduce the number of people without adequate access to water by 1% = 10 million people. So far rollers have been distributed to 21 African countries as well as India, Mexico and South America.
====Community rollout====
* Sponsorship funding is secured and a recipient community is identified with or without the sponsor.
====Field experiences====
* [ Hippo rollers to improve efficiency for small scale farmers in Zambia.]
* [ 350 Hippo rollers handed to 8 remote communities in the Eastern Cape.]
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|{{#ev:youtube|oVpJ5njVQfw|200|auto|<center>Green Machines: <br>Hippo Roller</center>}}
====Local Manufacturing====
[[Image:hippo manuf.jpg|thumb|right|200px| Hippo roller manufacturing can be local, using a rotational-moulding process. Photo: []]]
[[Image:hippo roller manuf.jpg|thumb|right|200px|This is where the raw material (polyethylene powder) is loaded into each mould-set (drum & screw cap). Photo: []]]
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