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Rooted Reservoir Well

2 bytes removed, 06:15, 22 September 2013
Construction, operations and maintenance
You begin with the usual [[Jetting - EMAS method |exploration drilling]] of the EMAS system. When testing, if you observe that the aquifer of the well is not sufficient for direct pumping, you should set up a ferro cement tank, to provide an extra water supply.
Excavate around the EMAS well down to a few meters below the phreatic level. When the excavation is finished, the pre manufactured ferro cement tank is brought down, above the well pipe. Some holes are made at the bottom of the tank for the pipe to pass through. When pumping, water will flow through this hole from the tank to the well, partially feeding the pump. At times when no pumping takes place, water at the well rises, filling the tank once more. Thus the tank compensates the higher demand of water when pumping. The size of the tank depends on the volume of the well drilled, and on the continuous demand. The usual size is 150 liters (regarding how to set up the ferro cement tank, please see the page "[[Classical ferrocement tank | Classical ferrocement tank]]").
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