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MMF Matchmaking facility

141 bytes added, 01:07, 21 December 2012
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{{Financebox |name =MMF Matchmaking facility |logo = |headquarters =Visitors address: <br>Juliana van Stolberglaan 148 <br>2595 CL The Hague <br> The Netherlands|contact =Postal address: <br>P.O. BOX 20105 <br>2500 EC The Hague <br>The Netherlands<br>Bart Krull<br>telPhone: +31(0)70- 070 778 8118<br>or +31 88 602 8060<br>Email: [email protected] |website = [http://wwwor link]|financedby =Ministery for Development Cooperation |
aim |website =Serious companies in emerging markets are often on the lookout for reliable business partners abroad. The Development Cooperation Matchmaking facility puts those companies in touch with Dutch businesses[http://www. The goal is to stimulate joint investment in the emerging marketevd. |nl/mfo link]moreinfo = |sector financedby = |Ministery for Development Cooperation
target_org|aim =Small and medium sized Serious companies in emerging markets |target_projects= |target_stadia= |target_countries=Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Egypt, Cape Verde, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambiaare often on the lookout for reliable business partners abroad. Asia: Bangladesh, Philippines, Yemen, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine Territories, Sri Lanka, VietnamThe Development Cooperation Matchmaking facility puts those companies in touch with Dutch businesses.Latin America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, PeruThe goal is to stimulate joint investment in the emerging market.Eastern Europe: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia. |target_region= |
target_criteria|moreinfo =Solid business plan |sector =
finance_mech = |finance_budget= |finance_minimum= |finance_maximum= |finance_investmenttarget_org=|Small and medium sized companies in emerging markets
finance_period|target_projects= |
|target_stadia= |target_countries=Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Egypt, Cape Verde, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia. Asia: Bangladesh, Philippines, Yemen, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine Territories, Sri Lanka, Vietnam.Latin America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru.Eastern Europe: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia. |target_region= |target_criteria=Solid business plan  |finance_mech = |finance_budget= |finance_minimum= |finance_maximum= |finance_investment=|finance_period=  |proc_application=Small and medium sized companies with a solid business plan that are looking for a Dutch business partner should contact the Dutch Embassy in their country. The Embassy can inform these companies about the procedure and the criteria. |proc_selection = |
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