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Akvopedia:Featured content

2,194 bytes added, 10:20, 7 July 2008
Initial creation of page
== Featured water solutions ==

{{Template:Rope pump short}}

{{Template:Irrigation Pepsi drip}}

== Featured sanitation solutions ==

{{Template:Co-composting short}}

== Featured organisations ==

{{Template: Netherlands Water Partnership short}}

{{Template: ASN bank short}}

== Rules about "featured" articles ==

Some simple rules to follow about the "featured" articles and organisations

* When you create a new featured article or organisation, put it at the bottom of the list above.
* Put the new article on the main page of the Akvopedia, replacing the one that is there now.
* When rotating the featured articles on the main page, select the top article on the lists above to feature, move the article in the list to the bottom. This way we make sure that every featured article gets to be shown.

== How to create a "featured" article ==

To create a "featured" article or organisation you need to create a summary version of the page and enter it as a template page. See the following example for the [[Template:Rope pump short]] featured article.

Note the following in the below example:

* You need to use a <nowiki> <div class="floatright" align=right> </nowiki> to place the icon in the right place.
* The short version should be between 70 and 90 words
* If the logo for an organisation is to big to represent well whilst floating right, then it is ok to have it centred above the text. As can see in the [[Template: Netherlands Water Partnership short]]

'''Example of formatting for a featured article'''
<div class="floatright" align=right>{{Icon|file=Rope_pump_icon.png|alt=Rope pump|width=94|link=Rope pump}}</div>

'''Rope pump''' - For wells down to 35 m, rope pumps are often five times cheaper and more sustainable than piston pumps.
Evaluations show that rope pumps on communal wells are being maintained by the users, if introduced properly.
90% of rope pumps remain operational, even after many years. Because of its low cost, the pump is also popular for domestic use.
A survey among 5,025 rural families in Nicaragua indicates that a rope pump increases income, even if used for domestic purposes only.
More about [[Rope_pump | Rope pumps]]
Akvopedia-spade, akvouser, administrator

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