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198 bytes added, 07:44, 6 September 2015
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Brikke和Bredero, 在著作Brikke和Bredero在著作''[ Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff]''中,推荐如下图表中的运行与维护工作:
====Estimated Lifespan预计使用寿命====The lifespan depends on the materials used and expertise with which it is constructed and maintained. The dams in Kitui Kenya were built at a cost of US$7,500 and have a minimum lifespan of 50 years.沙坝的使用寿命由两方面来决定:第一,使用的建材;第二,建坝和维护时使用的专业知识。肯尼亚基图伊的水坝耗资7500美元,最短使用寿命为50年。
The construction of dams is largely carried out by the local community. Costs mainly relate to local availability of cement, masonry and professional supervision.

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