* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9jzEcu57A Rope pumps around the world]. Movie made by Mark Tiele Westra, [http://www.connectinternational.nl Connect International], The Netherlands.
* [http{|style="font-size: 125%"|-|{{#ev://www.youtube|-o9jzEcu57A|200|auto|<center>1.comRope pumps around the world</watch?v=center>}}|{{#ev:youtube|06JoZlo77gk |200|auto|<center>2. Small scale irrigation <br>with a rope pump, Zambia]. [http</center>}}|{{#ev://wwwyoutube|pvHtqsUIoDs|200|auto|<center>3.connectinternational.nl Connect International], The Netherlands. Small scale irrigation with a hand Hand drilled borehole and <br>rope pump in Mazambuka, ZambiaTanzania</center>}}|{{#ev:youtube|E1qIdvH1bvM|200|auto|<center>4. The farmer irrigates 400 m2 of tomatoes, and the Windmill powered rope <br>pump supplies water to an additional 10 familiesin Nicaragua</center>}}|{{#ev:youtube|9wWLuX8pmNA|200|auto|<center>5.Rope Pump animation</center>}}|}
* [http{|style="font-size: 125%"|-|{{#ev://www.youtube|KTuqHEVo2TA|200|auto|<center>6.com/watch?v=pvHtqsUIoDs Hand drilled borehole and Motorized rope pump <br>on platform in Tanzania]. [httpEthiopia</center>}}|{{#ev://wwwyoutube|-YE42YdLHVI|200|auto|<center>7.connectinternational.nl Connect International], The Netherlands. Hand drilled borehole and Motor rope pump in Tanzania. The borehole was drilled in 3 days, to a depth of 28 meters</center>}}|{{#ev:youtube|BJVNBoGF968|200|auto|<center>8. Total cost of the borehole, including Rope pumppart 1</center>}}|{{#ev: 500 US$. Smart Tec Center Shipo, Tanzaniayoutube|dGVvdcl4z8I|200|auto|<center>9.Rope pump part 2</center>}}|}
* '''Video #1''': Rope pumps around the world. Movie made by Mark Tiele Westra, [http://www.youtubeconnectinternational.com/watch?v=E1qIdvH1bvM Windmill powered rope pump in Nicaraguanl Connect International]. S.J. Batchelor, 1999. An innovative low-cost windmill for water pumping used in Nicaragua for small-scale irrigation, cattle watering and domestic use. The design is based on a Dutch model developed by CWD consultancy wind energy developing countries. The windmill drives a rope pump, similar to the hand rope pump of which 70.000 are installed in Nicaragua. Of the wind rope pump, up to now, 400 have been installed, produced by the enterprise AMEC in ManaguaNetherlands.
* '''Video #2''': Small scale irrigation with a rope pump, Zambia. [http://www.youtubeconnectinternational.com/watch?v=9wWLuX8pmNA Rope Pump animationnl Connect International], The Netherlands. Resource Development International CambodiaSmall scale irrigation with a hand drilled borehole and rope pump in Mazambuka, RDIZambia. A short video animationThe farmer irrigates 400 m2 of tomatoes, demonstrating a Rope Pumpand the pump supplies water to an additional 10 families.
* '''Video #3''': Hand drilled borehole and rope pump in Tanzania]. [http://www.youtubeconnectinternational.nl Connect International], The Netherlands.com/watch?v=KTuqHEVo2TA&feature=channel_page Motorized Hand drilled borehole and rope pump on platform in Ethiopia]Tanzania. The borehole was drilled in 3 days, to a depth of 28 meters. Motor rope Total cost of the borehole, including pump being used to fill overhead tank: 500 US$. Smart Tec Center Shipo, Tanzania.
* [http'''Video #4'''://wwwWindmill powered rope pump in Nicaragua.youtubeS.com/watch?v=J. Batchelor, 1999. An innovative low-cost windmill for water pumping used in Nicaragua for small-YE42YdLHVI&feature=channel_page Motor scale irrigation, cattle watering and domestic use. The design is based on a Dutch model developed by CWD consultancy wind energy developing countries. The windmill drives a rope pump], similar to the hand rope pump of which 70. Motorized 000 are installed in Nicaragua. Of the wind rope pump , up to now, 400 have been installed , produced by the enterprise AMEC in a field in Burkina Faso, used for small scale irrigationManagua.
* [http'''Video #5'''://wwwRope Pump animation.youtubeResource Development International Cambodia, RDI.com/watch?v=BJVNBoGF968 Rope pump part 1]A short video animation, demonstrating a documentary. Rope pump plays a major roll in helping the villagers from using unsafe ground water that is contaminated with ArsenicPump.
* [http'''Video #6'''://wwwMotorized rope pump on platform in Ethiopia. Motor rope pump being used to fill overhead tank.youtube * '''Video #7''': Motorized rope pump installed in a field in Burkina Faso, used for small-scale irrigation.com/watch?v=dGVvdcl4z8I * '''Video #8, #9''': Rope pump part 1 & 2], a documentary. A Rope pump plays a major roll role in helping the villagers from using avoid unsafe ground water that is contaminated with Arsenicarsenic.
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