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Operations and maintenance
* 没有闸门的简易引水建筑物由石笼、碎石砌墙或混凝土建成。农民十分熟悉这种方法,因此更容易进行维护。限制流量的引水建筑物和溢洪道需要在运河的上游,以防止洪流损坏运河和灌溉设施。
====Operations and maintenance运作和维护====Systems should be self-reliant with regards to routine operation and repair, but some backstopping from public sector units is a good idea:系统应该能自动进行常规运作和修理,但是也希望得到政府部门的支持:* Spate systems rely on communal management and dialogue due to their scale. Projects should not attempt to unnecessarily formalize agreements for maintenance – farmers should be the drivers for this. However, any user associations should be based on catchments or communally-used areas.洪水系统根据其规模依赖共同管理和沟通。工程的维护协议不应该只拘泥于形式——农民应该积极推动。然而,任何用户组织应该基于某个流域或公共区域而成立。* Provision of bulldozers has been very popular and has enabled spate farmers to build or restore damaged structures more easily. Problems with that is that sometimes downstream effects become too great since farmers upstream can build much larger structures, and also that bulldozers cannot easily be run and maintained in a self-sustaining fashion due to high costs. Support is therefore too large for small farmer groups and is best organized on a regional basis through local government, or with subsidies to allow participation of the private sector.推土机的盛行使得农民能更容易地修建或修补被损的建筑物。但问题是上游的农民可以修建更大的建筑物,因此有时候对下游产生了巨大的影响。而且因为推土机使用和维护成本高,农民很难承担这些费用。小型农民群体也无力提供支持,因此最好能由当地政府提供支持,或者由私有企业提供补助。
===Field experiences===