
Madagascar Development Funds

173 bytes added, 04:48, 4 January 2013
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{{Financebox |name = Madagascar Development Funds|logo = |headquarters = Madagascar Development Partners LLC|Mailing address: <br>contact = |BP 503 <br>website = [ link]|Antananarivo 101 <br>financedby = |MADAGASCAR
aim = Though MDP's objectives are clearly of financial nature, the company's philosophy is to contribute proactively to the sustainable development of Madagascar by creating a bridge of intellectual and financial capital between OECD investors and local opportunities as well as job opportunities, welfare and ultimately wealth for the local community.|moreinfo contact =MDP has identified growth sectors that should carry the Malagasy economy to its next frontier.Phone: +261 20 22 434 00 <br>MDP strives to build exposure to these sectors by carefully selecting companies and/or projects that will convert the vision in tangible achievements and results.Phone: +261 32 02 264 64 <br>MDP continuously screens investment opportunities with the objective to further grow and diversify the portfolio.Phone: +261 32 07 028 96The investment horizon is intended to be 7 to 10 yearsEmail: contact@mdp. |sector = Financial services Real estate Tourism Mining/Energy Industry Multimedia Agrobusiness |mg
target_org=Start-up, Young, SME |target_projects= |target_stadia= |target_regionwebsite = Africa|[ link] and [ link]target_countries=Madagascar |target_criteriafinancedby = Environmental, Social|
finance_mech |aim =EquityThough MDP's objectives are clearly of financial nature, Mix |finance_budget= |finance_minimum=$500the company's philosophy is to contribute proactively to the sustainable development of Madagascar by creating a bridge of intellectual and financial capital between OECD investors and local opportunities as well as job opportunities,000 |finance_maximum=$5welfare and ultimately wealth for the local community.000.000 |finance_investment=25%|finance_period= |
|moreinfo =* MDP has identified growth sectors that should carry the Malagasy economy to its next frontier.* MDP strives to build exposure to these sectors by carefully selecting companies and/or projects that will convert the vision in tangible achievements and results.* MDP continuously screens investment opportunities with the objective to further grow and diversify the portfolio.* The investment horizon is intended to be 7 to 10 years.  |sector = Financial services, Real estate, Tourism, Mining/Energy, Industry, Multimedia, Agrobusiness  |target_org=Start-up, Young, SME |target_projects= |target_stadia= |target_region= Africa|target_countries=Madagascar |target_criteria= Environmental, Social |finance_mech =Equity, Mix |finance_budget= |finance_minimum=$500,000 |finance_maximum=$5.000.000 |finance_investment=25%|finance_period=  |proc_application= |proc_selection = |
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