Revision as of 14:57, 27 February 2012 by Marktielewestra (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:57, 27 February 2012 by Marktielewestra (talk | contribs)

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Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenido to Akvopedia!

Welcome to Akvopedia, the open water and sanitation resource that anyone can edit. The goal of Akvopedia is to improve water and sanitation projects through knowledge exchange on smart and affordable technical solutions and effective approaches. At this moment, the Sanitation portal is well developed, the Water portal needs work, and the Approaches portal is just starting up. Akvopedia now contains 2,211 articles in English. Akvopedia structure

Water Studio

The Water Studio contains information on water collection, pumping and transportation, storage, treatment, and use of water.

Sanitation Studio

The Sanitation Studio contains information on toilets, collection, transportation, treatment, use of products, and hygiene.

Approaches Studio

The Approaches Studio contains information on product development, service delivery, finance, promotion, and support systems.

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What's happening now

Project: Training on Rope Pump Manufacture, Madagascar. Training private sector operators in low-cost hand pump manufacture.

Project partners: Practica Foundation, Aqua for All, and VSA.

Result: 8 people trained during workshop, 480 people affected.

Description: Training local workshops to manufacture family rope pumps to facilitate dissemination of package of low cost water drilling and pumping techs at both community and household levels by Voahary Salama.

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To get an edit account, please send an email to m.t.westra [at]

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Do you have good content that you would like to contribute, but you lack the time or the resources? Would you like to propose a new item, or do you need help with putting content in the pages? Akvopedia offers free editorial services, provided by our editor Mark Tiele Westra. Please contact him at