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Revision as of 04:47, 7 August 2014 by Winona (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 04:47, 7 August 2014 by Winona (talk | contribs)

Welcome, bienvenue and bienvenido to Akvopedia!

Welcome to Akvopedia, the open water and sanitation resource that anyone can edit. We strive to improve water and sanitation projects through knowledge exchange on smart and affordable technical solutions and effective approaches. Akvopedia now contains 2,211 articles primarily in English, including some in French and Spanish. Akvopedia is hosted and managed by Akvo Foundation.

What's happening now

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Akvopedia Survey Results are in! This past spring, we conducted a survey among Akvopedia users to better understand who is using the site, how they use it and why. This survey provided a sample to complement site metrics gathered by our web analytics system. You can read more about the thinking behind the survey here. The survey was available on Akvopedia for roughly six weeks and, during that time, we had a total of 544 responses.

Water Portal

Water Portal
The Water Portal contains information on water collection, pumping and transportation, storage, treatment, and use of water.

Sanitation Portal

Sanitation Portal
The Sanitation Portal contains information on toilets, collection, transportation, treatment, use of products, hygiene, and training materials.

Finance Portal

Finance Portal
The Finance Portal contains information on the costs needed to finance, how to finance these costs, and how to monitor finance.

Sustainability Portal

Sustainability Portal
The Sustainability Portal contains information on numerous sustainability frameworks, tools, and methods, using the F.I.E.T.S approach.

Decision & Assessment Tools - NEW!

Decision & Assessment Tools
Decision & Assessment Tools contain several tools, assessments, or kits that aid in the implementation of water and sanitation projects in an easier way.

More news

This article covers the topic of communal latrines, also called institutional or school latrines. Much of the material in this article is based on project successes in the Sudan. This is a portion of the document of Technical Guidelines, outlining best practices for the development of the 14 types of water supply and sanitation facilities in the Sudan. Several of them are communal (multi-user) latrines.

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IRC and Akvopedia have teamed up to produce an all new Sustainability Portal based on the Dutch WASH Alliance F.I.E.T.S. principles of financial, institutional, environmental, technological, and social sustainability. Included are the 10-part Triple-S building blocks from IRC and other sustainability frameworks. With over 50 new article pages and many more sustainability tools, slideshows, and videos... water and sanitation project members can now think about their WASH system's longevity with confidence.

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Community-based saving is a microfinance model that is considered to be an effective method for financing projects in sustainable sanitation and water management. This is an effective method for saving a small amount of money by organising or joining a saving group of up to 25 people. These people might be colleagues, friends or neighbours coming from the same community. The method is very simple and easy to implement.

Contributing to Akvopedia

Share your news and knowledge on water and sanitation by contributing articles to the Akvopedia. We've used the same conventions as the well-known online resource Wikipedia, so adding and editing articles is quick and easy to learn. This graphical guide will get you started; more detailed information about editing wiki articles is available in the help pages: Help:Contents

Editorial support

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Do you have quality content that you would like to contribute to Akvopedia, but lack the time or resources to upload it? Akvopedia offers free editorial services and always appreciates suggestions and links to expand our WASH wiki. Please contact our editor Winona Azure at winonaAt symbol.jpgakvo.org. Thank you for visiting!