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EMAS pedal pump

73 bytes added, 16:18, 16 December 2009
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[[Image:EMAS_pedal1.jpg|thumb|right|150px|An EMAS pedal pump used near the EMAS training center in Puerto Perez, Boliva]]
[[Image:EMAS_pedal2.jpg|thumb|right|150px|An EMAS pedal pumpinstalled at a underground cistern used for rainwater catchment, Bolivia]]
The EMAS pedal pump is a standard [[EMAS pump|EMAS hand pump]], combined with a mechanism that allows the pump to be operated by foot. In that way, more water can be pumped without the operated getting tired. The EMAS pedal pump can both be used for household drinking water and for irrigation. As the construction is very simple, a minimum of material is used, and the pump is very affordable.
Akvopedia-spade, administrator

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