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414 bytes added, 12:53, 4 August 2009
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Boiling is considered the world’s oldest, most common, and one of the most effective methods for treating water. If done properly, boiling kills or deactivates all bacteria, viruses, protozoa (including cysts) and helminths that cause diarrheal disease.
Pathogens are killed when the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius. In high-lying areas, where the boiling temperature of water can be as low as 80 degrees Celcius, a longer boiling time is necessary to kill all pathogens.
{{procontable | pro=
- Simple <br>
- Uses common knowledge <br>
- Gernerally uses locally available materials <br>
| con=
- Inefficient <br>
- Requires a considerable amount of energy (wood, charcoal, fuel) <br>
- Contributes to indoor pollution and deforestation <br>
- Costly and time consuming<br>
- Does not remove suspended or dissolved compounds <br>
- Water needs to be cooled before consumption <br>
==History and social context==

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