
Short description

[[Image:|150px ]]
Headquarter country: {{{headquarter_country}}}
Headquarter city: {{{headquarter_city}}}
Organisation type: NGO
Regions where they work: {{{regions}}}
Focus areas: Water quality, Sanitation, Water infrastructure, Health education, Financing
Open keywords:
Website: www.water.org
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Water.org has a commitment to not only deliver water solutions to the world’s poor, but to find ways to create sector-wide change. The water and sanitation problem in the developing world is far too big for charity alone. Thus Water.org is driving the water sector for new solutions, new financing models, greater transparency, and real partnerships to create lasting change. Their vision: the day when everyone in the world can take a safe drink of water. Co-founded by Matt Damon and Gary White, Water.org’s microfinance-based WaterCredit Initiative is pioneering sustainable giving in the sector.