Technology Introduction (TIP)

The Technology Introduction Process (TIP) is a guide for introducing effective technologies for sustainable WASH services. The TIP provides 10 building blocks which are relevant to develop and manage a technology introduction process. As a strategy, it is often combined with Technology Assessment Framework (TAF).

In the TIP, the uptake of WASH technologies is conceptually described in three phases which can be distinguished based on their key characteristics with respect e.g. to level of investments needed in revenue and in impacts.

The three phases include:

  • Invention, with subphases “Piloting” and “Launching”
  • Tipping Point
  • Uptake, Operation and Service

The application of the TIP is designed as a stepwise process following the phases of the introduction. This should be managed as a process and embedded in a series of workshops. The flexible structure in the TIP allows application of the building blocks to situations where in countries there are already existing or partly existing guidelines. In an ideal case, a holistic assessment of the applicability of that technology is done at the very beginning of the process, based on the TAF. The results of the TAF should be considered for the design of the process, however they also give relevant information for all other phases of the introduction process.

In combination the TAF and the TIP can be used to design the introduction process, to monitor the uptake and to identify specific areas for mitigation measures to improve performance of the technology or of the introduction process, e.g. to verify the choice of the cost model.

Here is the official website of the TAF and TIP, which includes four sections: the Challenge, How to use the TAF and TIP, Tools and Sharing.

Browse through the TIP/TAF slideshow
