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[[Image:ControlledFlooding.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Groundwater recharge in spreading basins, Arizona. Source: CAP (2002)]]
This is a floodwater harvesting technique where the water diverted from a river, with the help of diversion structures and canals, is spread evenly over a large surface area where it is used for recharging groundwater, irrigation, filling ponds, and watering grazing land. The concept is that a thin sheet of water flows over the land but at minimum velocity in order to avoid disturbing the soil cover. This includes [[Irrigation_-_Spate_irrigation|spate irrigation]], but also standard channel irrigation which takes river water via channels to fields (covered more in-depth in the Surface Water section or Spate Irrigation sections of Water Studio). This article will focus on controlled flooding / spreading basins for use in groundwater recharge.
==Suitable conditions==
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