
Finance Portal

4 bytes added, 09:37, 13 August 2010
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|['''[[Dutch Funds]] »'''||List of Dutch funds for WASH projects/ businesses. Most funds can only be used by Dutch organizations/ companies, but some are open for organizations from all over de world.
|'''[[European Funds]] »'''||List of EU grants/ loans for WASH projects/ businesses.
|'''[[Bilateral Funds]] »'''||List of government funds for WASH projects/ businesses
|'''[[Multilateral Funds]] »'''||List of International funds for WASH projects / businesses
|'''[[Foundations]] »'''||List of foundations that have funds available for WASH projects/ businesses
|'''[[Social Venture Funds]] »'''||List of Social Venture funds that invest in WASH projects/ businesses.
====[[Bilateral Funds]] »====
List of government funds for WASH projects/ businesses
====[[Multilateral Funds]] »====
List of International funds for WASH projects / businesses
====[[Foundations]] »====
List of foundations that have funds available for WASH projects/ businesses
====[[Social Venture Funds]] »====
List of Social Venture funds that invest in WASH projects/ businesses.
Akvopedia-spade, administrator