
Package4Growth Export subsidies

51 bytes added, 17:15, 8 July 2010
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China: sustainability in the energy, agriculture, industry and technology, infrastructure, water and transportation and logistic sectors.
India: agro-industry, ICT, infrastructure and logistics, sustainable energy, water and water management, biotechnology, construction, health care sector, means of transport industry, creative industry and environment sector. |
sector = |
target_org=Export subsidy Dutch companies wishing to export to China or India |
target_stadia= |
target_countries=China and India |
target_region= |
target_criteria=The client located in China or India is not affiliated to the Dutch company in any way
The export transaction consists of at least 60 per cent Dutch suppliers and
finance_minimum= |
finance_maximum=€1,500,000 in two consecutive years per company or group of companies |
finance_period= |
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