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[[Image:Aprotec.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Aprotec]][[Image:Photovoltaic solar power system.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Photovoltaic solar power system]]
[[Image:solar heater.jpg|thumb|right|150px|solar heater]]
[[Image:windmill with solar panels.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Windmill with solar panels]]
[[Image:PICO hydropower.jpg|thumb|right|150px|PICO hydropower]]
[[Image:intake for water in micro-hydropower system.jpg|thumb|right|150px|intake for water in micro-hydropower system]]
APROTEC is a company, which develops technologies and systems for the use of renewable energy. They focus on the efficient use of energy and respect for the environment of technologies in social development projects. They were founded in 1990 and are based in Columbia.
==Wind Power==
Aprotec also sells wind generators, which convert wind energy into electricity. They have also developed a system, which uses wind energy to pump water from the ground. Further in certain areas, windpower can be used in combination with solar power, for times when the wind is quiet.
Further they offer specialised equipment for measuring the wind potential of areas. These are leaning towers with a height of 30-60m, with sensors to measure the wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity and pressure at different heights. This information is then stored digitally and transmitted to collection centres for analysis.
PICO hydropower: Aprotec designed a system that uses hydropower from small water sources and converts it to direct current electricity. The water is filtered, cleaned and transported to through PVC pipes to turbines. The electric current produced here is then transported to a charging centre, where people can recharge batteries.
Microhydropower Micro-hydropower systems are ones, which use water as an energy resource in a sustainable manner, without damaging the environment. For example, they don’t require dams and so don’t cause flooding, unlike many hydropower systems. The Aprotec system takes in water from any stream or similar water source. The water is passed through a sandtrap and forebay to filter out any suspended solids from the water. Then the water is transported through pressured pipes to the powerhouse where the turbines and generators are located. Additional equipment for regulating the quality of water, etc. is also installed here.  River Turbines: Together with the company ITDG, Aprotec is developing river turbines, to exploit the kinetic energy of rivers. The technology is being used in Africa already, but needs to be adapted to suit the conditions in different rivers in the Amazon for example.  Related Link: [ '''Solar panels''']
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