
Jetting - EMAS method

564 bytes added, 20:28, 29 April 2009
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An EMAS drilling rig, fit to drill holes up to 30 m deep, can be built in Bolivia for about US$ 600 - 800. This includes the tower, mud pump and all essential non-common tools to operate and maintain it.
In most cases, the tube well is combined with an [[EMAS pump|EMAS hand pump]]. In that case, the total cost per meter, including labor, materials, hand pump and 1 year warranty, in Bolivia amounts to about between 4 and 10 US$ 6. This The standard price is approx. 10 times more economical than the least expensive existing methodbetween 5 and 6 Dollars per meter.
An That price is calculated in 3 parts. Taking 6$ as basis, 2$ are for the material and hand pump (a hand pump is normally included in a well deeper than 20 meters), 2$ are for the wage of the two drillers (including also the maintenance of the equipment) and 2$ in the creation ofa reserve fund in case there is no water or not enough water found, salty water found or a drilling mistake is made such as a broken drill stem, the wrong filter sleeve, etc.Normally, for price of 5$ a 1 year warrantee is given in case that the sand remains after 4 weeks use.  The average well with a depth of 30 m in Bolivia is around 27 meters, and costs approx. US$ 180 including an [[EMAS pump|EMAS hand pump]]. This makes a surface covering supply of drinking water possible for municipalities and families in rural areas.
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