
Traditional hand-dug wells

594 bytes removed, 22:12, 10 March 2014
Field experiences
===Field experiences===
<br>{| style="border: 2px solid #e0e0e0; width: 7040%; text-align: justify; background-color: #f5f5f5e9f5fd;" cellpadding="2"<!--rsr logo here-->|- style="vertical-align: top"|[[Image:akvorsr logo_lite.png|center|60px|link= /]]<!--project blocks here-->|- style="vertical-align: bottom"|[[Image:project 1365.jpg|thumb|nonecenter|200px140px|<font size="2"><center>[ RSR Project 1365]<br>Facilities Ibbagamuwa school Sri Lanka</center></font>|link=]]|'''Akvo RSR Project[[Image:''' project 1349.jpg |thumb|center|140px|<font size="2"><center>[ Facilities Ibbagamuwa school Sri LankaRSR Project 1349]Ibbagamuwa Central College in the North Western Province rural school with 1040 children grade 6, 7, 8 and 32 teachers will make use of the new facilities<br>Safe water for Wajir</center></font>|link=http://rsr. These children come from poor families and don't live in the neighborhoodakvo. Daily many children must travel to and from school for 6 hours. Water is life, blood of the earth!org/project/1349/]]
 {| style="width: 70%; text-align: justify; background-color: #f5f5f5;"|[[Image:rsr 1349.jpg|thumb|none|200px|<font size="2"br><center>Project 1349</center></font>|link=]]|'''Akvo RSR Project:''' [ Safe water for Wajir]WASH promotion in Makaror a suburb of Wajir Town through technical education and demonstration of WASH. Wajir is constructed on top of an ancient aquifer. Wajir has 130.000 inhabitants by 2013 and has a growth rate of 10 percent per year. Most wells have ecoli pollution. Lining wells helps. Closure and pump installation is better. Combination with Ecosan is an adequate solution.|}
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