
IS - Introduction

20 bytes added, 02:42, 22 November 2013
* Increased recognition that only by collaboration between all WASH sector stakeholders will effective and sustainable WASH delivery be achieved.
* The [[Decentralisation|decentralisation of the government ]] offers a chance to bring WASH services closer to the communities to ensure proper implementation and influence of policies.
* It is broadly recognised that free services are not sustainable and that a more ‘business like’ approach is required.
* The private sector is interested to develop sound technical and cost-effective WASH services, adapted to more marginal groups.
* The civil society can now better concentrate on their key role of facilitation of the WASH chain, lobby and advocacy, especially towards ensuring the rights of marginalised groups to WASH services. This greater focus of NGOs is desired and will ensure the quality of their work and interventions.
* Communities are more aware of the need to contribute time and resources for the operation and maintenance of WASH services. Having rights also implies having duties.
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