
Hippo roller

3 bytes removed, 23:50, 28 May 2013
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[[Image:hippo spaza.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The "HIPPO MOBILE SPAZA" utilizes the Hippo Water Roller as a transport vehicle and display facility for products to be sold in rural and informal communities. Photo: []]]
[[Image:hippo manuf.jpg|thumb|right|200px| Hippo roller manufacturing can be local, using a rotational-moulding process. Photo: []]]
[[Image:hippo roller manuf.jpg|thumb|right|200px|This is where the raw material (polyethylene powder) is loaded into each mould-set (drum & screw cap). Photo: []]]
The hippo water roller is a barrel-shaped container. It improves access to water by rolling along the ground. It was specifically designed to alleviate the suffering caused by traditional methods of transporting water in buckets.
|{{#ev:youtube|oVpJ5njVQfw|200|auto|<center>Green Machines: <br>Hippo Roller</center>}}
|{{#ev:youtube|ScBLcqi355U|200|auto|<center>Hippo Tears, from Eastern <br>Cape of South Africa</center>}}
|{{#ev:youtube|YO9N0MYXHgc|200|auto|<center>Hippo roller on <br>CNN news</center>}}
|{{#ev:youtube|YO9N0MYXHgc|200|auto|<center>Hippo roller on <br>CNN news</center>}}
|{{#ev:youtube|6eZWN20eiDg|200|auto|<center>Safmarine - Hippo <br>Waterroller Project</center>}}
|{{#ev:youtube|Dyn9y6kDKAI|200|auto|<center>GOOD News: <br>Hippo Rollers</center>}}
|{{#ev:youtube|isjAb4WnhOo|200|auto|<center>Design Indaba - Hippo <br>Roller commercial</center>}}
====Local Manufacturing====
[[Image:hippo roller manuf.jpg|thumb|right|200px|This is where the raw material (polyethylene powder) is loaded into each mould-set (drum & screw cap). Photo: []]]
Exporting completed Hippo Water Rollers to other countries where they are needed is expensive, often doubling the cost of a Hippo roller. Limited quantities fit into a container which severely impacts on shipping costs.
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