
Financing Sources - Introduction

1 byte added, 22:53, 14 January 2013
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[[Image:financing streams icon.png|right|100px|]]
The main financing sources to recover the [[Costs of WASH Service Delivery - Introduction | costs of water, sanitation and hygiene service delivery]] are (a combination of) [[Taxes | taxes]] levied by national governments, [[Transfers | transfers]] made by development partners and [[Tariffs | tariffs]] paid by users of a services (see figure 1). These financing sources in the water and sanitation sector are also known as the ''three T''s (e.g. taxes, transfers and tariffs).
Figure 1. Financing sources and costs for sustainable service deliver. Note that the figure is not meant to represent relative magnitude of costs.
[[Image:financing sources fg 1.jpg|thumb|center|700px|<center> Source: IRC and WSUP, 2012, page 7 </center>]]
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