
DOB Foundation (formally Stichting de Oude Beuk)

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{{Financebox |name = DOB Foundation (formally Stichting de Oude Beuk)|logo = |headquarters = Stichting de Oude Beuk|contact = |website = [ link]|financedby = |
aim |headquarters = d.o.b foundation invests in and supports social entrepreneurs who identify commercial opportunities in social issues. We strive for a structural improvement of the wellbeing of people who are marginalized or living in poverty.|Stichting de Oude Beukmoreinfo =Our geographic focus is Africa. By encouraging social and economic development, new possibilities are created for these people to take control of their lives. This bolsters their dignity and gives them the strength and means to build a good life for themselves. |sector contact = many|
target_org= |target_projects= |target_stadia= |target_regionwebsite = Afrika|[ link]target_countries= |target_criteriafinancedby = Environmental, Social|
finance_mech =Equity,debt, donations |finance_budget= |finance_minimum=not stated |finance_maximum=not stated |finance_investmentaim =|finance_period= |d.o.b foundation invests in and supports social entrepreneurs who identify commercial opportunities in social issues. We strive for a structural improvement of the wellbeing of people who are marginalized or living in poverty.
|moreinfo =Our geographic focus is Africa. By encouraging social and economic development, new possibilities are created for these people to take control of their lives. This bolsters their dignity and gives them the strength and means to build a good life for themselves.  |sector = many |target_org= |target_projects= |target_stadia= |target_region= Afrika|target_countries= |target_criteria= Environmental, Social |finance_mech =Equity,debt, donations |finance_budget= |finance_minimum=not stated |finance_maximum=not stated |finance_investment=|finance_period=  |proc_application= |proc_selection = |
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