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{{Financebox |name = SOVEC Fund|logo = |headquarters = Social Venture Capital Foundation|contact = |website = [ link]|financedby = |
aim |headquarters = To alleviate poverty in developing countries by providing Venture Capital to entrepreneurs in Africa, who can herewith build their businesses, create job opportunities, provide income and really emancipate people|moreinfo =SOVEC will invest in SME’s with a certain track record, that are able to function as a profitable, stand alone business, that stimulate the regional economy and create employment. Management BV <br>Krijn Taconiskade 418 <br>1087 HW Amsterdam <br>The SME will be headed by local entrepreneurs who combine a successful business attitude with a sound social conscience. SOVEC will not invest in “start-ups” or in companies with activities or products that have a negative environmental or social impact or are otherwise considered non-sustainable. |sector = Many|Netherlands
target_org=SME |target_projectscontact = |Phone: +31 020 673 2818 <br>target_stadia= |Fax: +31 020 662 1779 <br>target_region= Africa|target_countries=main focus on Ghana |target_criteria= Environmental, Social|Email: [email protected]
finance_mech =Equity, Debt, Mix |finance_budgetwebsite = |[ link]finance_minimum=€50.000 |finance_maximumfinancedby =€500Private individuals,000 |finance_investment=20%|finance_period= |partner funds
|aim = To alleviate poverty in developing countries by providing Venture Capital to entrepreneurs in Africa, who can herewith build their businesses, create job opportunities, provide income and really emancipate people. |moreinfo =SOVEC will invest in SME’s with a certain track record, that are able to function as a profitable, stand alone business, that stimulate the regional economy and create employment. The SME will be headed by local entrepreneurs who combine a successful business attitude with a sound social conscience. SOVEC will not invest in “start-ups” or in companies with activities or products that have a negative environmental or social impact or are otherwise considered non-sustainable.  |sector =  |target_org=SME |target_projects= |target_stadia= |target_region= Africa|target_countries=main focus on Ghana |target_criteria= Environmental, Social |finance_mech =Equity, Debt, Mix |finance_budget= |finance_minimum=€50.000 |finance_maximum=€500,000 |finance_investment=20%|finance_period=  |proc_application= |proc_selection = |
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