
Water Partnership Programme

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{{Financebox |name =Bank Netherlands Water Partnership Programme (BNWPP) |logo = |headquarters = |contact = |website = [ link]|financedby = |
aim |headquarters =The Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership (BNWP) is a program to improve delivery of water supply and sanitation services to the poor. BNWP enhances performance of World Bank operations in the water supply and sanitation sector and supports a broad sector reform agenda with a strong poverty focus. BNWP supports the international effort to reach the Millennium Development Goals, especially to halve – by 2015 - the proportion of people without access to safe water and basic sanitation.|contact = moreinfo =The Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership analyzes the applicability of new management models and pilots them in the fieldEmail: whelpdesk@worldbank. A panorama of management options will need to be applied within a country or a region to serve all with adequate WSS services. The introduction of new management models includes awareness building and evaluation of lessons learned. |org
target_org|website = [ link]|target_projectsfinancedby =Capacity buildingGovernments of the Netherlands, Dam planningthe United Kingdom, Environment flow, flood management, Groundwater managementand Denmark, International waters, Livelihoods for a total contribution of the poor. Reforming irrigation and drainage institutions. River basin management. Wastewater management. Water Resources legislation and national strategies. Water rights systems$23. Watershed management7 million. |target_stadia=Pilot projects |target_countries=development countries |target_criteria= |
finance_mech |aim =SubsidiesThe Water Partnership Program (WPP) is a multi-donor trust fund established in 2009 and administered by the World Bank’s Water Unit in the Sustainable Development Network. The WPP consolidates two previous programs, cothe Bank-financing |finance_budget=$ 8 million |finance_minimum= |finance_maximum= |finance_period=BNWPP2 from july 1 2006Netherlands Water Program in Supply and Sanitation (BNWP) and the Bank- till March 2009 |Netherlands Water Partnership Program in Water Resource (BNWPP) into an improved realignment and restructuring of these programs.
|moreinfo =Now in its third year of implementation, the WPP is supporting more than 40 percent of all Bank analytical work in water and is influencing about $11.5 billion in World Bank lending across 62 countries. Here is the WPP brochure: [ link] |target_org= |target_projects=Capacity building, Dam planning, Environment flow, flood management, Groundwater management, International waters, Livelihoods of the poor. Reforming irrigation and drainage institutions. River basin management. Wastewater management. Water Resources legislation and national strategies. Water rights systems. Watershed management. |target_stadia= |target_countries= |target_criteria=  |finance_mech =Subsidies, co-financing |finance_budget=$8 million |finance_minimum= |finance_maximum= |finance_period= |proc_application= |proc_selection = |
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