
Traditional hand-dug wells

18 bytes added, 23:26, 11 April 2012
Construction, operations and maintenance
The basic elements of a hand-dug well are illustrated in Figure 5.3. The three main elements are: <br>
A. '''The Well Head ''' - this is the part of the well which is visible above the ground. It generally consists of a protective apron and a superstructure which depends on the type of extraction system in use. <br>B. '''The well Well Shaft ''' <br>C. '''The Intake ''' - this is the part of the well in contact with the aquifer. It is constructed in such a way that water flows from the aquifer into the well, from where it can be extracted using a bucket, a pump or another method.
Hand-dug wells have a tendency to have very little water or even dry up in the dry season. This is largely to do with the fact
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