
Jerrycan - tank

83 bytes added, 14:38, 9 August 2011
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<!-- table at top of page with logo, picture, Application level, Management level, and input-output tables -->
sys1=[[Waterless System with Urine Diversion|4]]|
sys2=[[Sewerage System with Urine Diversion |8]]|
|spanish_link=Bidon - tanque
|[[Image:Jerrycan_tank.png |right|300px]]|}
[[Image:Icon_jerrycan_tank.png |right|95px]]
'''Jerrycans are light, plastic containers that can be easily carried by one person and are readily available. When sealed, they can be used to store or transport urine easily and without spills. In case separated urine cannot be used near the point of production, it can be transported in a Jerrycan or tank to a central collection/storage facility or to agricultural land for application.'''
Akvopedia-spade, administrator