
Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) - EUROPEAID

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|website = [ link]
|financedby =EU
|aim = EuropeAid Development and Cooperation is responsible for designing European development policy and delivering aid throughout the world. EuropeAid delivers aid through a set of financial instruments with a focus on ensuring the quality of EU aid and its effectiveness. An active and proactive player in the development field, we promote good governance, human and economic development and tackle universal issues, such as fighting hunger and preserving natural resources.
|moreinfo = Grants are awarded as donations to third parties that are engaged in external aid activities. Procurement procedures are launched when the Contracting Authority wants to purchase a service, goods or work in exchange for remuneration. Procedures for grants and contracts under the relevant EU external aid programmes are consolidated in the [http Practical Guide].
|target_org=The entities which are eligible for funding are:<br>
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