
Financial approaches

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Revolving funds
=== Revolving funds ===
====Funds established often by NGOs and managed by a community group; Repayments become loans for others ====
Interesting approach in the absence of financial institutions, sometimes even in kind (chickens etc.). Current funds often do not include interest, so capital diminishes. Revolving funds have been widely used in Kenya for example, usually by church based NGOs providing financial resources to women's groups. As a result thousands of rainwater tanks have been built.
====Used at community level====Interest in this concept is increasing and good results are reported for example from Anhui province in China, particularly where community leaders were involved ( In Nepal the government does not provide subsidies for sanitation but has established revolving funds which the community can keep if they have obtained 100% coverage ( Requires transparent management. High potential particularly in homogenous communities aiming at 100 percent sanitation
== Self-financing ==
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