
Hand auger - general

7,153 bytes added, 14:43, 21 August 2009
New page: {{stub}} right Auger drilling in action __NOTOC__ The hand auger consists of extendable steel rod...
[[Image:Auger drilling in action.jpg|thumb|right|150px| Auger drilling in action]]

The hand auger consists of extendable steel rods, rotated by a handle. A number of different steel augers (drill bits) can be attached at the bottom end of the drill rods. The augers are rotated into the ground until they are filled, and then lifted out of the borehole to be emptied. A different auger can be used for each formation (soil) type. Hand augering can be done both by using a heavy tripod and winch (such as the [[Hand auger - Vonder rig | Vonder rig]]), or with lighter materials.

Above the water table, the borehole generally stays open without the need for support. Below the water table a temporary PVC casing may be used to prevent the hole from collapsing, and can be emptied either with an auger or a bailer. The permanent well casing is then installed, while the temporary casing is removed.

Another option is to use the well casing used as support for the borehole as the permanent casing (direct installation), although in that case a gravel pack can not be used.

==History and social context==

==Suitable conditions ==
The hand auger is suitable for unconsolidated formations: sand, silt and soft clay. Stiff clays, hard materials and gravels are difficult or impossible to drill through and to remove (unless augering is combined with [[percussion - general|percussion]]).

Augers can be used up to a depth of about 15-25 meters, depending on the geology.

[[Image:Auger drilling in temporary casing1.jpg|thumb|right|150px| Auger drilling in temporary casing]]

{{procontable | pro=
- Easy to use above the groundwater table <br>
| con= - It may be very difficult to remove the temporary casing. If clay layers are penetrated, it is very difficult to use a temporary casing, as it sticks to the clay. <br>
- The borehole does not stay open if a collapsing sand layer is encountered below a clay layer (through which the temporary casing could not penetrate)

[[Image:Auger drilling in temporary casing.jpg|thumb|right|150px| Auger drilling in temporary casing]]

==Technical specification==

It takes quite some expertise to drill a completely straight borehole.


====Manufacturing ====
All tools can be made in local workshops (with local materials) and are commercially produced in western countries (but more expensive).

* The tools for Hand augering can be made in local workshops.
* Chafagane Maiga (S/C BP: 10988 Niamey, Niger, Tel: +227 96 53 18 88) - Light and effective hand auger equipment.
* Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment - Drilling equipment and manuals on hand auger and percussion gouges -
* Van Reekum Materials - Drilling equipment, hand auger and percussion drilling -
[[Image:Different bailers and augers.jpg|thumb|right|150px| Different bailers and augers]]


==Country experiences==
The hand auger is widely used in Niger, Chad, Senegal, The Gambia, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Nigeria, Central America and western countries.

* Hand Augered Garden Wells, Jonathan Naugle, Lutheran World Relief, third edition 1996. Manual on Hand augering, well construction, manufacturing tools. [ Download (text only)]

* Drilling & well construction reference manual, Lifewater Canada, update 2004. Internet manual on hydrogeology, well construction, all drilling techniques, hand pumps and more. [ Download manual]. Other information can be found on the [ Website of Livewater].

* Self-help wells, R.G. Koegel, FAO 1985. Internet manual on hydrogeology, well constructions, all drilling techniques - [ website].


== Acknowledgements==

* The basis for the material on this page was obtained from a desk study shortly to be published on the website of the [ Practica Foundation], and from the [ Rural Water Supply Network], and specifically its [ manual drilling section].

==External Links==
* Human-Powered Drilling Technologies, Richard Carter, Cranfield University, 2005 - An overview of human-powered drilling technologies - [ Download].

* 'Private Sector Participation in Low Cost Water Well Drilling', Cranfield University, 2001. Article on private sector participation in low cost water well drilling in Africa. [ Download].

* Rural Water Supply Network - Useful network and website for information and downloads related to Rural Water Technologies - [ Hand drilled wells]. General [ website].

* Drilling Boreholes for Hand pumps, Peter Wurzel, SKAT Switzerland, 2001 - A book on hydrogeology, well construction, drilling techniques, well development - [ Download]. Website of [ SKAT]

* Low-cost shallow tube well construction in West Africa, M. Sonau, FAO - An overview of shallow tube well drilling techniques - [ website ]. Website of [ FAO documents].

* Technical note 43. Simple drilling methods, Bob Elson and Rod Shaw, WEDC - An overview of simple drilling methods [ Download]. Website of [ Loughborough University Technical Briefs section]. Website of [ Loughborough University WELLS].

* A Water Handbook, Technical Guidelines Series, UNICEF, 1999 - Programming and implementation. [ Download].

* Technology notes, section 7; Tube wells and boreholes, WaterAid - An overview of human-powered drilling technologies. [ Download]. Website of [].

* Water for the World, Technical note series rws 2, USAID 1982 - Technical notes on methods of developing of groundwater, manual drilling techniques. [ Website Livewater International].

* Multi-service procedures for well-drilling operations, field manual chapter 9, US Military Chapter 9, alternative well construction, manual drilling techniques - [ Download].

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