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* [http://www.excellentdevelopment.com/home Excellent卓越基金会(Excellent): Pioneers of San Dams沙坝先锋].* [http://acaciawateruk.standaardsite.nl/pg-29143-7-89562/pagina/welcome.html ACACIA Water金合欢水资源(ACACIA Water)]. The strength of Acacia Water is the specialization in the field of groundwater, while at the same time being able to place issues in a broader perspective and to link up with other fields of action. As a result we often work in a multidisciplinary environment with a broad variety of expertise.
* [http://www.iah.org/recharge IAH]. IAH-MAR is a forum for information on the work within the international groundwater community on the management and enhancement of aquifer recharge, a vital tool in the sustainable management of the world's underground water resources.
* CARE Nederland, Desk Study: [[Resilient WASH systems in drought-prone areas]]. October 2010.
* Brikke, François, and Bredero, Maarten. [http://www.washdoc.info/docsearch/title/117705 Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff] or ([http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/om/wsh9241562153/en/ alternative link]). World Health Organization and IRC Water and Sanitation Centre. Geneva, Switzerland 2003.
* Maddrell S and Neal I, [http://www.samsamwater.com/library/Maddrell_and_Neal_2012_Sand_Dams_a_Practical_Guide_LR.pdf Sand dams: a Practical Guide], Excellent Development, London. 2012.
* Jacob H. Stern, Ph.D and Alvera Stern, Ed.D, et al. [http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.echocommunity.org/resource/collection/E66CDFDB-0A0D-4DDE-8AB1-74D9D8C3EDD4/Sand_Dams.pdf Water Harvesting Through Sand Dams]. ECHO Technical Note. 2011