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[[Image:controlled flooding icon.png|right|80px]]
This is a floodwater harvesting technique where the water diverted from a river, with the help of diversion structures and canals, is spread evenly over a large surface area where it is used for recharging groundwater, irrigation, filling ponds, and watering grazing land. The concept is that a thin sheet of water flows over the land but at minimum velocity in order to avoid disturbing the soil cover. This includes 这是一项利用洪水的技术,通过修建引水建筑物和运河将河水疏导至一大片区域,从而补给地下水和池塘、灌溉土地和牧场。这个技术的原理是当少量的水以最慢的速度流过土地时不会破坏土壤表面。这包括[[Irrigation_-_Spate_irrigation|spate irrigation漫灌]], but also standard channel irrigation which takes river water via channels to fields.,也包括通过运河将河水疏导至田地的标准灌溉渠方法。
===Suitable conditions===