
Collapsible fabric (Onion, Bladder, Pillow)

714 bytes added, 01:34, 20 February 2013
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[[Image:pillow bladder.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Pillow bladder to hold water. Photo: [ ATL.]]]
There are numerous brands of portable water tanks that include different shapes, as well. A bladder or pillow tank is square or rectangular-shaped and lies flat on the ground, then rises to look like a "bed pillow" with added water. An onion tank looks like a flexible cup full of water with the top of the tank showing water exposed.
Below are a few commercial tanks to choose from, although note that there are many, many brands available as these are just a few.
==Aero Tec Laboratories==
For over 40 years, Aero Tec Laboratories has produced a wide variety of collapsible fabric tanks, also known as Flex-Tanks™ and Pillow Bladders. These reinforced rubber tanks hold fuels, chemicals, dielectric oil, gases, water, effluents and slurries. Capacities from 25 gallons (100 liters) to 100,000 gallons (400,000 liters) are available in both industrial and defense specification. Whether it be the scorching temperatures of the desert or the bone-chill of the arctic, ATL Flex-Tanks withstand most any environmental extreme.
F: +31 (0)541 760499<br>
==Other water tank links==
* International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Socities (ICRC) - water tanks available: [ Emergency items catalog]
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