
African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

685 bytes added, 06:56, 29 December 2012
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{{Financebox |name =African Development Bank Group (AFDBAfDB) |logo = |headquarters = |contact = |website = [ link]|financedby = |
aim |headquarters =Sustainable social, environmental and economic development |African Development Bank Group <br>moreinfo =Urban development, Integrated water management, Pilot activities, Water partnerships, Regional initiatives, Programme co-ordination |AfDB Temporary Relocation Agency (Tunis) <br>
target_org= |15 Avenue du Ghana <br>target_projects=agricultureP.O.Box 323-1002 <br>Tunis-Belvedère, healthTunisia<br>Statutory Headquarters <br>Rue Joseph Anoma, education, public utilities, transport and telecommunications, the industry and the private sector |<br>target_stadia=Pilot activities |target_countries=development countries and countries in transition. |01 BP 1387 Abidjan 01 <br>target_criteria= |Côte d'Ivoire
finance_mech =Grants |finance_budget=$1 million per project |finance_minimumcontact = |Phone: (+216) 71 10 39 00 or (+216) 71 35 19 33 <br>finance_maximum= |Email: [email protected] <br>finance_period=On-going |Skype: afdb_acc
|website = [ link]|financedby =  |aim =Sustainable social, environmental and economic development. Urban development, Integrated water management, Pilot activities, Water partnerships, Regional initiatives, Programme co-ordination.|moreinfo = The Board of Directors of the African Development Group has approved US $125 million in funding for the first phase of a drought resilience project and provision of long-lasting means of subsistence to populations in the Horn of Africa. |target_org= |target_projects=Agriculture, health, education, public utilities, transport and telecommunications, the industry and the private sector. To see the many, many project topics and sectors: [ link]  |target_stadia=Pilot activities |target_countries=Developing countries and countries in transition. |target_criteria=  |finance_mech =Grants |finance_budget=$1 million per project |finance_minimum= |finance_maximum= |finance_period=On-going  |proc_application= |proc_selection = |
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