
< User:DWindsor
Revision as of 14:18, 29 May 2019 by DWindsor (talk | contribs) (Personal life)

Revision as of 14:18, 29 May 2019 by DWindsor (talk | contribs) (Personal life)

Dove Rose Windsor (born 8 November 1999) is a British editor, wiki patroller, and a wiki enthusiast on Akvopedia. She is best known for helping Akvopedia by editing articles and reverting vandalism. Her general goal on Akvopedia is to ensure that the wiki is what it should be, a user-made encyclopedia, and not a playground for vandals. She'd also love to become an admin here oneday, but unfortunately, only employees can be admins, according to User:Winona.


Windsor grew up in Leicestershire, England. She first went to Ravenhurst Primary School in 2004 until 2010. She then went to a private school in 2011 called Gryphon School. In September 2017, Windsor moved to Leicester College. In September 2018, Windsor went to an education centre, opposite of Leicester's crown court called Soft touch Arts.



Windsor first joined Akvopedia on 29 May 2019. She has amassed over 20 edits to the online encyclopedia. She has contributed to over 3 existing articles, but hasn't yet created any new articles at the moment, but will do at some point soon. 1

She also like to think that she has learned a great deal, but really, her learning has made her realise that she knows very little, and that there is always much more to learn. As she keeps learning, she likes to share what she does know, which is why she likes Akvopedia. Hopefully, the occasional edits she adds here and there are of help to the wider community.

Akvopedia is a Web-based, free content, water and sanitation knowledge resource. The name Akvopedia is a combination of the words akvo (meaning water in the language Esperanto) and encyclopedia. Akvopedia article pages seek to provide a solid introduction to water and sanitation technologies, financing, and processes needed for project implementation and maintenance.

Akvopedia is written collaboratively by volunteers and specialists, mainly from the water and sanitation sector, since the creation of Akvopedia back in the summer of 2007.

However, visitors do not need specialized qualifications to contribute, since their primary role is to write articles that cover existing knowledge (which includes local, in-the-field knowledge); this means that people of all ages and cultural and social backgrounds can write Akvopedia articles.

Admins have upgraded Akvopedia with the Wikipedia style Visual Editor upload/editing tool to enable a simplified platform, so that zero programming knowledge is needed to create/edit article on Akvopedia. To learn how to use the Visual editor, see the Wikipedia tutorials on how to use it. But as always, if it is more convenient for you they can also create and upload your pages for you! Akvopedia uses the same basic layout as Wikipedia. The wiki uses Vector. Akvopedia and Akvo are trademarks of the Akvo Foundation (Stichting Akvo).

Akvopedia started as an open collaborative effort of Akvo 2, initiated by Netherlands Water Partnership, IRC, UNESCO-IHE, GreenOcean and The Movement Design Bureau. Prototype funding has been provided by Partners voor Water. Much of the initial content of in this wiki comes from the books Smart Sanitation Solutions and Smart Water Solutions produced in collaboration with Netherlands Water Partnership, WASTE, PRACTICA, IRC, SIMAVI and Partners voor Water. All of the text in Akvopedia and most of the images and other content is covered by the Creative Commons Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA) license. Contributions remain the property of their creators, while the CC-BY-SA license ensures the content can be freely distributed and reproduced.

Personal life

In 2017, Windsor went to adult mental health when she turned 18. She hasn't been diagnosed with anything yet. She has been waiting for over a year and a half for any news on what she could be diagnosed with. Doctors suspect that she could be on the autistic spectrum. Furthermore, they think 99 per cent that she has Asperger's syndrome. She definitely suffers from anxiety and stress depression. She takes Sertraline tablets that she takes daily in the mornings to sooth her mood and to make her more relaxed. At school, she had social and emotional problems. She had special needs before she went to her secondary school in 2011.

Windsor first identified herself as female in August 2016. She first said to her parents that she was transgender. She is still not yet on the waiting list, but probably will do soon. In December 2018, Windsor finally came out of her shell and started to wear women's clothes full time.

In the summer of August 2016, Windsor went to NCS (national citizen service) for four weeks to improve her CV. The first week she went to a camping trip. In the second week, Windsor went to De-Montfort University to do a range of activities like doing a Master Chef challenge, first-aid challenge, e.t.c. In the third and the final forth week, Windsor did a charity course. In November 2016, Windsor was awarded a certificate, signed by Teresa May on an awards night. Windsor did a Duke Of Edinburgh expedition course at Gryphon School in February 2017. She was awarded with a bronze award at the end of March 2017.

Windsor has a social worker named Carlton who helps her from time to time. Her previous social worker was called Nick. In July 2017, Windsor nearly died after being hit by a car at 20 miles an hour on Narborough Road, Leicestershire, England. She was lucky enough to be still alive. More luckily, there were a passenger in the vehicle who claimed to be a doctor. Windsor hit her head on the wind screen/bonnet and then ht her head on the road. She just had scratches, bruises and grazes.

Windsor is going to find what she is going to be diagnosed with soon. Windsor is expected to move from Elliott Residential Care Home soon in four weeks time in May. She is going to be moving to a place called Box Tree house, near a farm, in Ratby. Windsor will also be expected to be on the waiting list soon for her sex change to turn fully into female.

On the evening of 19 April 2019, Windsor collapsed at her residential care home in her bedroom. She felt dehydrated. But luckily, she survived. She felt dizzy. She hadn't had a single thing to eat or drink. She has now recovered by eating a snack and having a drink. She opened her windows to let air in. She has been asleep almost all day.

Windsor has visited the Box Tree Farm house in Ratby. She seemed to like the place. She will be moving there soon on 10 June 2019.

Windsor's favourite colour is pink Her favourite sport is archery. Her favourite singer is James Taylor. Her favourite foods are ice-cream and jelly.

Windsor has a keen interest in sustainability, transitions, climate change, community engagement in the environmental and social issues, disaster management, and conflict resolution.


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