वाटर पोर्टल / वर्षाजल संचयन

Revision as of 16:04, 22 November 2015 by Minakshi (talk | contribs) (Hindi)

Revision as of 16:04, 22 November 2015 by Minakshi (talk | contribs) (Hindi)

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वर्षाजल संचयन बारिश के पानी के प्राकृतिक तालाब या टंकियों में संग्रहण और भंडारण की एक तकनीक है, साथ ही इसके जरिये भूमिगत जलवाही स्तरों का भी पुनर्भरण किया जाता है (इससे पहले कि यह सतह से सूक जाये). रूफटॉप हारवेस्टिंग वर्षाजल संचयन का एक तरीका है. रूफटॉप हारवेस्टिंग में टाइल, धातु या प्लास्टिक की छत उपयोगी हो सकती है, मगर घास या खजूर या फूस की छत नहीं. यह बारिश के बहाव को रोक देता है और घरेलू इस्तेमाल के लिए उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला पेयजल उपलब्ध कराता है और इसे साल भर के लिए भंडारित किया जा सकता है. इस पानी के दूसरे इस्तेमाल भी हो सकते हैं, जैसे बगीचे के लिए, पालतू पशुओं के लिए, सिंचाई के लिए, आदि.

वर्षाजल संचयन के उपयोग के कारण इन तीन सवालों पर आधारित हैं:

What: क्या : वर्षाजल संचयन से जलापूर्ति और फसल उत्पादन बेहतर होगा और अंततः खाद्य सुरक्षा असरदार होगी.

Who: क्यों : ग्रामीण इलाकों में जल संकट वाले मकान या परिवार वर्षाजल संचयन के इस तंत्र से सर्वाधिक लाभान्वित होंगे.

How: कैसे : चुकि वर्षाजल संचयन जलापूर्ति को बढ़ावा देता है और यह हमें खाद्य सुरक्षा की तरफ ले जाता है, यह जीविकोपार्जन की दिशा में भी बड़ी भागीदारी सुनिश्चित करता है.

Rainwater Harvesting TOOLS - simple methods applicable to project planning

Rainwater Harvesting TECHNOLOGIES - technical construction details, costs, and applicability

RWH INNOVATIONS - approaches, technologies, applications and projects on 3R, MUS and sustainable financing


भारत में वर्षाजल संचयन के उदाहरण

A temple pond at Mylapore, Chennai, India

तमिलनाडु पहला भारतीय राज्य है जहां वर्षाजल संचयन को अनिवार्य बनाया गया है. 30 मई, 2014 को राज्य सरकार ने घोषणा की कि वह चेन्नई शहर के विभिन्न हिस्सों में 50 हजार से वर्षाजल संचयन ढांचे का निर्माण करायेगी. [1] [1]

Around 4,000 temples in Tamilnadu state traditionally had water tanks that were used for various rituals. The tanks also served as natural aquifers and helped recharge groundwater. Over the years, however, many of these tanks have gone out of use. Overflowing mounds of silt and garbage have replaced the water in them.

Now, following sustained campaigns by voluntary organisations and departments in charge of water distribution and use, authorities in Chennai have decided to restore around 40 major temple tanks in the city. The aim is to convert the tanks into catchments for rainwater harvesting. [2]

Rainwater harvesting links

Rainsong video

Regional experiences

Technologies & methods


Organizations & groups

  • Rainwater harvesting sources. A list of 45 NGOs, government organizations, and some private companies that focus on rainwater harvesting programs, policies, and supplies.
  • Rainwater for Food Security: We set an enabling environment for rainwater harvesting (RWH), in order to significantly increase food security. With help of our community on Rainwater Harvesting, we support the development of a more unified global network of national and regional organisations, networks and professionals, working in or interested in rainwater harvesting. By bringing together these key-actors and sharing knowledge in multiple ways, the Rainwater for Food Security programme aims to achieve sustainable change in rainwater harvesting programmes.
  • Rainwater Harvesting Community on Dgroups.

Community Exchange - Rainwater Harvesting

The image below is the entry to conversations about rainwater harvesting (RWH) including best practices, troubleshooting, and advice about tanks and systems. We sourced these from the Rainwater Harvesting Community - a sub community within the Rural Water Supply Network community on Dgroups - which is a free member-only forum, where people can ask a pool of over 700 members from 86 countries about rainwater harvesting. You can become a member on their site for greater involvement, if you have questions you need to know for your RWH project. Click on the image to get started! Or click here.

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Field experiences

These projects are utilizing rainwater harvesting techniques and are part of the project listing in Really Simple Reporting (RSR) on Akvo.org. Click the image to get started!

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RSR Project 790
WASH program in Rural Bangladesh
RSR Project 427
Scale up of Sustainable Water Access
RSR Project 446
Etude technique d’avant-projet
RSR Project 158
Rainwater harvesting for Nicolas School
RSR Project 128
Safe water supply for Fayaco, Senegal
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RSR Project 398
Rainwater Harvesting Capacity Center
RSR Project 533
Support on WASH - in Miyo woreda
RSR Project 459
Upscaling CLTS for Healthy Communities
RSR Project 456
Partnership in WASH services delivery
RSR Project 462
Northern Region WASH Programme
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RSR Project 440
Raising awareness on rainwater harvesting
RSR Project 439
Wetland Management & Water Harvesting
RSR Project 545
Rain Water Harvesting in Nepal
RSR Project 403
Rainwater Harvesting in Kenya
RSR Project 840
Rainwater harvesting in Guinee Bissau 2


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Many of the tools, technologies, and projects on this page are courtesy of the Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network.

RAIN is an international network with the aim to increase access to water for vulnerable sections of society in developing countries - women and children in particular - by collecting and storing rainwater.

Started in December 2003, RAIN focuses on field implementation of small-scale rainwater harvesting projects, capacity building of local organisations and knowledge exchange on rainwater harvesting on a global scale.