
Natural rock catchment and Open water reservoir

252 bytes added, 18:26, 5 April 2012
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[[Image:BareRockCatchment.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Natural rock catchment on Sullivan Rock, USA.]]
[[Image:RockCatchment.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Rock catchment project in Kitui, Kenya.]]
The technique applied for utilizing rocks for water supply is called rainwater harvesting and the structures built for harvesting rainwater from rocks are called rock catchments. These are naturally occurring catchments of bare rock that have high runoff coefficients (around 0.9). Water can be stored as an open reservoir behind a retaining structure, with storage capacities ranging from 20 – 4,000 m3, or can be stored directly in a covered storage tank that collects water directly from the catchment. The Kitui district in Kenya has over 400 rock catchment tanks and dams.
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