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List of government funds for WASH projects/ businesses
List of government funds for WASH projects/ businesses
<small-title />
* [[Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD - France)]]
{|border="1" cellpadding="5"
* [[Australian AID - AusAID]]
* [[BIO invest]]
|[[Image:AFD logo.png|center|50px|link=Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD - France)]]
* [[Direct Aid Program (DAP) - AusAID]]
|[[Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD - France)]]
* [[French Global Environmental Facility (FFEM) - France]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' NGOs <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
* [[USAID - Climate Adaptation and Disaster Resilience (CADRE)]]
|[[Image:ADC logo.png|center|50px|link=Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)]]
* [[USAID - Development Grants Program ]]
|[[Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC)]]
* [[USAID - Global Development Alliance Annual Program Statement ]]
|'''Region:''' ADC key regions and priority countries in the South: Central America and the Caribbean: Nicaragua; West Africa: Burkina Faso; Ethiopia, Uganda; Southern Africa: Mozambique; Himalayas-Hindukush: Bhutan; Palestinian Territories<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' The funding instruments available are: [http://www.entwicklung.at/funding-and-tenders/ngo-cooperation/microprojects/en/ Microprojects], [http://www.entwicklung.at/funding-and-tenders/ngo-cooperation/individual_projects_south/en/ Individual Projects South], [http://www.entwicklung.at/funding-and-tenders/ngo-cooperation/individual_projects_east/en/ Individual Projects East], [http://www.entwicklung.at/funding-and-tenders/ngo-cooperation/framework_programmes/en/ Framework Programmes], [http://www.entwicklung.at/funding-and-tenders/ngo-cooperation/personnel_development_cooperation/en/ Personnel Development Cooperation], [http://www.entwicklung.at/funding-and-tenders/ngo-cooperation/eu_cofinancing/en/ EU Cofinancing]<br> '''Funding range:'''
* [[USAID - Malawi Local Capacity Development Initiative]]
* [[USAID - Community Livelihood Project (CLP) Yemen]]
|[[Image:AusAID logo.png|center|50px|link=Australian AID - AusAID]]
* [[AusAID-NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) - AusAID]]
|[[Australian AID - AusAID]]
* [[Enterprise Challenge Fund for the Pacific and South-East Asia - AusAID]]
|'''Region:''' Asia Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean <br>'''Target organizations:''' NGOs <br> '''Project type:''' Climate change adaptation at the community level <br> '''Funding range:'''
* [[Japanese Fund for Global Environment (JFGE)]]
* [[Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA)]]
|[[Image:Belgium Dev Coop.png|center|50px|link=Belgian Development Cooperation]]
* [[Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA Research, Sweden)]]
|[[Belgian Development Cooperation]]
* [[Austrian Foreign Ministry, Department for Development Cooperation]]
|'''Region:''' 18 partner countries in Asia, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, and especially Central Africa <br>'''Target organizations:'''  <br> '''Project type:''' Millennium Development Goals, agriculture and food security, environment and climate change, migration and development, education and training, basic healthcare, basic infrastructure, society building, gender: equal rights, aid for trade, children's rights, private sector <br>'''Funding range:'''
* [[Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Aid]]
* [[Canada: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)]]
|[[Image:Bio logo.png|center|50px|link=BIO invest]]
* [[Danida (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark)]]
|[[BIO invest]]
* [[Development Cooperation Ireland]]
|'''Region:''' DAC listed countries <br>'''Target organizations:''' SME and large corporations <br> '''Project type:'''  <br> '''Funding range:'''
* [[German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development]]  
* [[Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)]]
|[[Image:BMZ logo.png|center|50px|link=BMZ - The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - Germany]]
* [[KfW Entwicklungsbank]]
|[[BMZ - The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development - Germany|BMZ - The Federal Ministry for <br>Economic Cooperation and Development - Germany]]
* [[New Zealand's International Aid and Development Agency (NZAID)]]
|'''Region:''' Asia; Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe; Latin America and Caribbean; the Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa <br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
* [[Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)]]
* [[Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)]]
|[[Image:CIDA.png|center|50px|link=Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)]]
* [[UK - Department for International Development (DFID)]]
|[[Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)]]
|'''Region:''' Central and South America, the Caribbean, Asia, Eastern Europe, North and Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East <br>'''Target organizations:'''  <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:Danida.png|center|50px|link=Danida (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark)]]
|[[Danida (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark)]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' [https://um.dk/en/danida-en/results/eval/eval_reports/publicationdisplaypage/?publicationid=d13704cb-84e2-47e2-9235-a40ac04d64fd Human rights and democracy], [https://um.dk/en/about-us/e-learning/introduction-to-green-growth/ Green growth], [https://um.dk/en/danida-en/strategies%20and%20priorities/country-policies/burkina-faso/strategic-focus-area/ Social progress], [https://um.dk/en/danida-en/strategies%20and%20priorities/ Stability and protection]<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:DAP logo.png|center|50px|link=Direct Aid Program (DAP) - AusAID]]
|[[Direct Aid Program (DAP) - AusAID]]
|'''Region:''' Developing countries <br>'''Target organizations:''' Nonprofit individuals, community groups and NGOs<br> '''Project type:''' Community health, education, small scale infrastructure, sanitation, rural development, environmental development, gender equality, conferences and training activities, and cultural and sporting activities <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:AusAID logo.png|center|50px|link=Enterprise Challenge Fund for the Pacific and South-East Asia - AusAID]]
|[[Enterprise Challenge Fund for the Pacific and South-East Asia - AusAID|Enterprise Challenge Fund for <br>the Pacific and South-East Asia - AusAID]]
|'''Region:''' Papua New Guinea and The Pacific region, as well as Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean.<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:FFEM logo.png|center|50px|link=French Global Environmental Facility (FFEM) - France]]
|[[French Global Environmental Facility (FFEM) - France]]
|'''Region:''' Priority will be given to French speaking countries; Western and Central Africa, Mozambique and Madagascar<br>'''Target organizations:''' NGOs, professional bodies, women and youth groups or associations, private environmental companies<br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:Irish Aid.png|center|50px|link=Irish Aid]]
|[[Irish Aid]]
|'''Region:''' Our Partner Countries: Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia.
Other Countries: Liberia, Palestine, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:JBIC logo.png|center|50px|link=Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)]]
|[[Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' Energy and natural resources, environment, international business development, catalyzing international finance, knowledge sharing<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:JFGE logo.png|center|50px|link=Japanese Fund for Global Environment (JFGE)]]
|[[Japanese Fund for Global Environment (JFGE)]]
|'''Region:''' Japan and developing countries<br>'''Target organizations:''' Japanese (non-governmental) NGOs and (non-profit) NPOs<br> '''Project type:''' Nature protection; conservation and restoration; forest conservation and tree/grass planting; anti-desertification; agriculture of environmental conservation type; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; building of a recycle-oriented society; air, water and soil conservation; comprehensive environmental education; comprehensive environmental conservation activities; activities related to the Great East Japan Earthquake; other environmental conservation activities<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:JICA logo.png|center|50px|link=Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA)]]
|[[Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA)]]
|'''Region:''' Japan and developing countries<br>'''Target organizations:''' JICA provides bilateral aid in the form of Technical Cooperation, Japanese ODA Loans and Grant Aid<br> '''Project type:''' Water supply, environmental infrastructure, disaster relief measures, reconstruction<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:KfW bank logo.png|center|50px|link=KfW Entwicklungsbank]]
|[[KfW Entwicklungsbank]]
|'''Region:''' More than 100 countries<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' Waste management, education, energy, financial sector development, peace building, health, governance and decentralization, rural development, natural resources and tropical forest, urban development, transport, and water<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:NZ Aid logo.png|center|50px|link=The New Zealand Aid Programme]]
|[[The New Zealand Aid Programme]]
|'''Region:'''Afghanistan, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu  <br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:Norad logo.png|center|50px|link=Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)]]
|[[Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)]]
|'''Region:''' Africa, Asia and Oceania, the Middle East, Europe, Latin America<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' Climate change and the environment, energy, macroeconomics and public administration, global health, education and research<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:Proparco logo.png|center|50px|link=PROPARCO]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' All private businesses and projects with the private sector, except for those in real estate or short-term projects <br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:SIDA logo.png|center|50px|link=Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA Research, Sweden)]]
|[[Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA Research, Sweden)|Swedish International Development <br>Cooperation Agency (SIDA Research, Sweden)]]
|'''Region:''' 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' Democracy, equality and human rights, economic development, knowledge, health and social development, sustainable development, human security<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:SDC logo.png|center|50px|link=Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)]]
|[[Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)]]
|'''Region:''' [http://www.deza.admin.ch/ressources/resource_en_198081.pdf Priority Countries and Focus Regions]<br>'''Target organizations:''' <br> '''Project type:''' Rural development and food security, climate change and environment, water, health, education, migration, rule of law, democracy, conflict prevention and transformation, emergency aid and reconstruction, economic integration, employment and income, governance, gender, research, learning and networking, culture<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:UK aid.png|center|50px|link=UK - Department for International Development (DFID)]]
|[[UK - Department for International Development (DFID)]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' <br>''' Project type:''' Education, health, economic growth and the private sector, governance and conflict, climate and environment, water and sanitation, food and nutrition, humanitarian disasters and emergencies.<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:USAid.png|center|50px|link=USAID - Climate Adaptation and Disaster Resilience (CADRE)]]
|[[USAID - Climate Adaptation and Disaster Resilience (CADRE)]]
|'''Region:'''  Indonesia<br>'''Target organizations:''' U.S. and international NGOs, non-profit and for-profit organizations and partnerships or consortia<br> '''Project type:''' Climate change adaptation and preparedness<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:USAid.png|center|50px|link=USAID - Community Livelihood Project (CLP) Yemen]]
|[[USAID - Community Livelihood Project (CLP) Yemen]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' US-based NGOs<br> '''Project type:''' <br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:USAid.png|center|50px|link=USAID - Development Grants Program]]
|[[USAID - Development Grants Program ]]
|'''Region:''' Developing countries<br>'''Target organizations:''' US based NGOs or local NGOs<br> '''Project type:''' Climate change adaptation, micro enterprise, water and sanitation, dairy<br> '''Funding range:'''
|[[Image:USAid.png|center|50px|link=USAID - Global Development Alliance Annual Program Statement]]
|[[USAID - Global Development Alliance Annual Program Statement]]
|'''Region:''' <br>'''Target organizations:''' Public-private alliances<br> '''Project type:''' food security and agriculture, anti-corruption/ democracy and governance/civil society strengthening, humanitarian assistance, disaster preparedness / response and recovery, economic growth and trade capacity building, education and youth, climate change, environment and energy, health, information technology, urban programs, water  <br> '''Funding range:''' Past awards have ranged from $50,000 to $10,000,000
|[[Image:USAid.png|center|50px|link=USAID - Malawi Local Capacity Development Initiative]]
|[[USAID - Malawi Local Capacity Development Initiative]]
|'''Region:''' Malawi<br>'''Target organizations:''' Local and international partner organizations to form Global Development Alliances<br> '''Project type:''' Education and workforce preparation, agriculture and irrigation, orphans and vulnerable children <br> '''Funding range:'''

Latest revision as of 22:21, 14 December 2019

List of government funds for WASH projects/ businesses

AFD logo.png
Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD - France) Region:
Target organizations: NGOs
Project type:
Funding range:
ADC logo.png
Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) Region: ADC key regions and priority countries in the South: Central America and the Caribbean: Nicaragua; West Africa: Burkina Faso; Ethiopia, Uganda; Southern Africa: Mozambique; Himalayas-Hindukush: Bhutan; Palestinian Territories
Target organizations:
Project type: The funding instruments available are: Microprojects, Individual Projects South, Individual Projects East, Framework Programmes, Personnel Development Cooperation, EU Cofinancing
Funding range:
AusAID logo.png
Australian AID - AusAID Region: Asia Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean
Target organizations: NGOs
Project type: Climate change adaptation at the community level
Funding range:
Belgium Dev Coop.png
Belgian Development Cooperation Region: 18 partner countries in Asia, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, and especially Central Africa
Target organizations:
Project type: Millennium Development Goals, agriculture and food security, environment and climate change, migration and development, education and training, basic healthcare, basic infrastructure, society building, gender: equal rights, aid for trade, children's rights, private sector
Funding range:
Bio logo.png
BIO invest Region: DAC listed countries
Target organizations: SME and large corporations
Project type:
Funding range:
BMZ logo.png
BMZ - The Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development - Germany
Region: Asia; Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe; Latin America and Caribbean; the Middle East and North Africa; Sub-Saharan Africa
Target organizations:
Project type:
Funding range:
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Region: Central and South America, the Caribbean, Asia, Eastern Europe, North and Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East
Target organizations:
Project type:
Funding range:
Danida (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark) Region:
Target organizations:
Project type: Human rights and democracy, Green growth, Social progress, Stability and protection
Funding range:
DAP logo.png
Direct Aid Program (DAP) - AusAID Region: Developing countries
Target organizations: Nonprofit individuals, community groups and NGOs
Project type: Community health, education, small scale infrastructure, sanitation, rural development, environmental development, gender equality, conferences and training activities, and cultural and sporting activities
Funding range:
AusAID logo.png
Enterprise Challenge Fund for
the Pacific and South-East Asia - AusAID
Region: Papua New Guinea and The Pacific region, as well as Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Target organizations:
Project type:
Funding range:
FFEM logo.png
French Global Environmental Facility (FFEM) - France Region: Priority will be given to French speaking countries; Western and Central Africa, Mozambique and Madagascar
Target organizations: NGOs, professional bodies, women and youth groups or associations, private environmental companies
Project type:
Funding range:
Irish Aid.png
Irish Aid Region: Our Partner Countries: Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Timor Leste, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia.

Other Countries: Liberia, Palestine, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Target organizations:
Project type:
Funding range:

JBIC logo.png
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Region:
Target organizations:
Project type: Energy and natural resources, environment, international business development, catalyzing international finance, knowledge sharing
Funding range:
JFGE logo.png
Japanese Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) Region: Japan and developing countries
Target organizations: Japanese (non-governmental) NGOs and (non-profit) NPOs
Project type: Nature protection; conservation and restoration; forest conservation and tree/grass planting; anti-desertification; agriculture of environmental conservation type; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; building of a recycle-oriented society; air, water and soil conservation; comprehensive environmental education; comprehensive environmental conservation activities; activities related to the Great East Japan Earthquake; other environmental conservation activities
Funding range:
JICA logo.png
Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA) Region: Japan and developing countries
Target organizations: JICA provides bilateral aid in the form of Technical Cooperation, Japanese ODA Loans and Grant Aid
Project type: Water supply, environmental infrastructure, disaster relief measures, reconstruction
Funding range:
KfW bank logo.png
KfW Entwicklungsbank Region: More than 100 countries
Target organizations:
Project type: Waste management, education, energy, financial sector development, peace building, health, governance and decentralization, rural development, natural resources and tropical forest, urban development, transport, and water
Funding range:
NZ Aid logo.png
The New Zealand Aid Programme Region:Afghanistan, Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu
Target organizations:
Project type:
Funding range:
Norad logo.png
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) Region: Africa, Asia and Oceania, the Middle East, Europe, Latin America
Target organizations:
Project type: Climate change and the environment, energy, macroeconomics and public administration, global health, education and research
Funding range:
Proparco logo.png
Target organizations: All private businesses and projects with the private sector, except for those in real estate or short-term projects
Project type:
Funding range:
SIDA logo.png
Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency (SIDA Research, Sweden)
Region: 33 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America
Target organizations:
Project type: Democracy, equality and human rights, economic development, knowledge, health and social development, sustainable development, human security
Funding range:
SDC logo.png
Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) Region: Priority Countries and Focus Regions
Target organizations:
Project type: Rural development and food security, climate change and environment, water, health, education, migration, rule of law, democracy, conflict prevention and transformation, emergency aid and reconstruction, economic integration, employment and income, governance, gender, research, learning and networking, culture
Funding range:
UK aid.png
UK - Department for International Development (DFID) Region:
Target organizations:
Project type: Education, health, economic growth and the private sector, governance and conflict, climate and environment, water and sanitation, food and nutrition, humanitarian disasters and emergencies.
Funding range:
USAID - Climate Adaptation and Disaster Resilience (CADRE) Region: Indonesia
Target organizations: U.S. and international NGOs, non-profit and for-profit organizations and partnerships or consortia
Project type: Climate change adaptation and preparedness
Funding range:
USAID - Community Livelihood Project (CLP) Yemen Region:
Target organizations: US-based NGOs
Project type:
Funding range:
USAID - Development Grants Program Region: Developing countries
Target organizations: US based NGOs or local NGOs
Project type: Climate change adaptation, micro enterprise, water and sanitation, dairy
Funding range:
USAID - Global Development Alliance Annual Program Statement Region:
Target organizations: Public-private alliances
Project type: food security and agriculture, anti-corruption/ democracy and governance/civil society strengthening, humanitarian assistance, disaster preparedness / response and recovery, economic growth and trade capacity building, education and youth, climate change, environment and energy, health, information technology, urban programs, water
Funding range: Past awards have ranged from $50,000 to $10,000,000
USAID - Malawi Local Capacity Development Initiative Region: Malawi
Target organizations: Local and international partner organizations to form Global Development Alliances
Project type: Education and workforce preparation, agriculture and irrigation, orphans and vulnerable children
Funding range: