
Twin Pits for Pour Flush

1,257 bytes added, 00:04, 9 September 2020
<!-- table at top of page with logo, picture, Application level, Management level, and input-output tables -->{|style="float: left;"|{{santableLanguage-box|english_link=Twin Pits for Pour Flush|french_link=Latrine à chasse avec double fosse|spanish_link=Pozos_Doble_para_Retrete_con_Arrastre_Hidraulico|hindi_link=coming soon|malayalam_link=coming soon|tamil_link=coming soon | korean_link=coming soon | chinese_link=Coming soon | indonesian_link=Coming soon | japanese_link=Coming soon }}|}<!-- table at top of page with logo, picture, Application level, Management level, and input-output tables -->{|width="100%"|style="width:50%;"|{{santablesantable_new|sys1=[[Pour Flush Pit System with Twin Pitswithout Sludge Production|3]]|
Input1=Blackwater|Input2=Greywater |Input3=Anal cleansing water| Input4= |Input5=|Output1=Compost - EcoHumusPit Humus| Output2= | Output3= | Output4= | Output5=
|[[Image:Twin_pits_for_pour_flush.png |right|500px]]
[[Image:Icon_twin_pits_for_pour_flush.png |right|95px80px]]'''This technology consists of two alternating pits connected to a [Pour Flush ToiletPour Flush Toilet] (U.4). The blackwater (and in some cases greywater) is collected in the pits and allowed to slowly infiltrate into the surrounding soil. With Over time, the solids are sufficiently dewatered and can be manually removed with a shovel.'''
The superstructure, toilet and twin pits, for the Twin Pits with Pour Flush pour flush technology can be designed in various ways: ; the toilet can be located directly over the pits or at a distance from the pitsthem. The superstructure can be permanently constructed over both pits or it can move from side to side depending on which pit one is in use. No matter how the system is designed, only one pit is used at a time. In this wayWhile one pit is filling, a continuous cycle of alternating pits means that they can be used indefinitelythe other full pit is resting.
While one As liquid leaches from the pit is filling with excreta, cleansing water and flushing watermigrates through the unsaturated soil matrix, pathogenic germs are sorbed onto the other full pit is restingsoil surface. The pits should In this way, pathogens can be an adequate size removed prior to accommodate a volume contact with groundwater. The degree of waste generated over one removal varies with soil type, distance travelled, moisture and other environmental factors. The difference between this technology and the [Double Ventilated Improved Pit Double VIP] (S.4) or two years[Fossa Alterna Fossa Alterna] (S. This 5) is that it allows for water and it is not necessary to add soil or organic material to the contents of pits. As this is a water-based (wet) technology, the full pit enough pits require a longer retention time (two years is recommended) to transform into a safe, inoffensive, soil-like degrade the material that before it can be excavated manuallysafely.
===Design Considerations=== The difference between this technology and the [[Double Ventilated Improved Pit|Double VIP]] pits should be of an adequate size to accommodate a volume of waste generated over one or [[Fossa Alterna]] is that it two years. This allows for the addition contents of water and does not include the addition of full pit enough time to transform into a partially sanitized, soil or organic -like materialthat can be manually excavated. As this It is a water-based (wet) technology, recommended that the full twin pits require a longer retention time be constructed 1 m apart from each other to degrade minimize cross-contamination between the material before maturing pit and the one in use. It is also recommended that the pits be constructed over 1 m from any structural foundation as leachate can be excavated safelynegatively impact structural supports. Water within the pit can impact its stability. A retention time Therefore, the full depth of 2 years is recommended. The degraded material is too solid the pit walls should be lined to prevent collapse and the top 30 cm should be removed with a vacuum truckfully mortared to prevent direct infiltration and to support the superstructure.
As the effluent leaches from the pit and migrates through an unsaturated soil matrix, faecal organisms are removed. The degree of faecal organism removal varies with soil type, distance traveled, moisture and other environmental factors. There is a risk of groundwater pollution whenever there is when pits are located in areas with a high or variable water table, fissures and/or fissures or cracks in the bedrock. Viruses and bacteria can travel hundreds of metres in saturated conditions. As soil and groundwater properties are often unknown, it is difficult to estimate the distance necessary distance between a pit and a water source. A It is normally recommended to have aminimum horizontal distance of 30m should be maintained 30 m between them to limit exposing the pit and a water source to limit exposure to chemical and biological microbial contamination. It is recommended To ensure that the Twin Pits be constructed 1m apart from each other to minimize cross-contamination between the maturing pit and the only one in use. It is also recommended that of the two pits be constructed over 1m from is used at any structural foundation as leachate can negatively impact structural supports. Water within the pit can impact time, the structural stability idle pipe of the pit. Therefore, all walls should be lined up junction connecting to the full depth out -of the - use pit to prevent collapse and the top 30cm should be fully mortared to prevent direct infiltration and ensure that the superstructure is supportedclosed (e.g. with cement or bricks).
Alternatively, the Pour Flush Toilet could also be directly connected to the pit in use by a single straight pipe fixed in place with light mortar and covered with earth. The risk of failure and misuse is minimized by ensuring that the junction and pipes are not easily accessible.
{{procontable | pro=
- Can be built and repaired with locally available materials. <br> - Because double pits are used alternately, their life is virtually unlimited. <br> - Excavation of humus is easier than faecal sludge <br> - Potential for use of stored faecal material as soil conditioner. <br> - Flies and odours are significantly reduced (compared to non-ventilated pitswithout a water seal). <br> - Suitable for all types of user (sitters, squatters, washers and wipers). <br> - Low (but variable) capital costs depending on materials; no or low operating costs if self-emptied. <br> - Moderate Small land area required<br>- Significant reduction in pathogens. <br> requires much less water to be used for flushing as compared to conventional toilets. <br> The latrine doesn’t need to be moved when the pit is full. | con=- Excreta requires manual Manual removal. of humus is required<br> - Clogging is frequent when bulky cleansing materials are used<br>- Higher risk of groundwater contamination due to more leachate than with waterless systems
==Adequacy=Appropriateness===  The Twin Pits with Pour Flush is pits for pour flush are a permanent technology that is appropriate for areas where it is not appropriate possible to continuously move a build new pit latrinelatrines. It As long as water is a water-based available, this technology and is only appropriate where there for almost every type of housing density. However, too many wet pits in a small area is a constant supply not recommended as the soil matrix may not be of sufficient capacity to absorb all the liquid and the ground could become water for flushing -logged (e.g. recycled greywater or rainwateroversaturated). Greywater can be co-managed along with the blackwater in the twin pits. This technology is not appropriate for areas with a high groundwater table or areas that are frequently flooded. In order for the pits to drain properly, the soil must have a good absorptive capacity; clay, tightly packed or rocky soils are not appropriate.
As long as water This technology is not suitable for areas with a high groundwater table or where there is availablefrequent flooding. Greywater can be co-managed along with the blackwater in the twin pits, especially if the Twin Pits with Pour Flush technology greywater quantities are relatively small, and no other management system is appropriate for almost every type of housing densityin place to control it. However, too many wet pits large quantities of flushwater and/or greywater may result in a small area excessive leaching from the pit and possibly groundwater contamination. The dewatered, solid material is not recommended as there may not be sufficient capacity to absorb the liquid into the soil matrix manually emptied from all of the pits and the ground may become water-logged (oversaturatedit is dug, not pumped out), therefore, space is not required for vacuum trucks to access them.
The material ===Health Aspects/Acceptance=== It is manually emptied from the Twin Pits (it is dug outa commonly accepted sanitation option; however, not pumped out), so vacuum truck access to the pits is not necessary.some health concerns exist:
The Twin * Leachate can contaminate groundwater;* Stagnant water in pits may promote insect breeding;* Pits with Pour Flush technology will only work properly if the two pits are used sequentially susceptible to failure and not concurrently. Therefore, an adequate cover for the out of service pit is required/or overflowing during floods.
==Health Aspects/Acceptance=Operation & Maintenance= ==The pits must be regularly emptied (after the recommended two year resting time), and care must be taken to ensure that they do not flood during rainy seasons.Emptying is done manually using long handled shovels and proper personal protection.
=== Sulabh toilets=== The waterseal provides Indian NGO [ Sulabh International] designed a high level [ system] using pour flush toilets and twin pits for treatment of comfort and cleanlinesssanitation products. They have constructed over a million toilets in India. They further designed a system which converts the effluent into biogas. These technologies are now used by 10 million people in rural India. This contributed greatly to the increase in number of people using a toilet, with few odoursfrom 27% to 59% in the last 5 years. It is a commonly accepted sanitation optionThey have also built public toilets in Afghanistan, Bhutan, Ghana, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Laos, however some health concerns exist:and Cambodia. They are planning to start up Sulabh Sanitation centres in 50 more countries soon.
* Latrine leachate can contaminate groundwater; ===References===* Stagnant water in pits may promote insect breeding; * Pits are susceptible Franceys, R., Pickford, J. and Reed, R. (1992). [ A Guide to failure/overflowing during floodsthe Development of on-Site Sanitation]. WHO, Geneva, CH.
==Maintenance==* Mara, D. D. (1985). [ The Design of Pour-Flush Latrines]. UNDP Interregional Project INT/81/047, The World Bank and UNDP, Washington, D.C., US.
The pits must be emptied regularly and care must be taken to ensure that they do not flood during rainy seasons* Mara, D. After a recommended two year resting time, the pits should be emptied manually using long handled shovels and proper personal protectionD. (1996). If the pits are selfLow-emptied there are no operational costs except for any replacements to the structure or slab in the event of damageCost Urban Sanitation (Book). Wiley, Chichester, UK.
== Sulabh toilets== The Indian NGO Sulabh International designed a system using pour flush toilets and twin pits for treatment of sanitation products* Roy, A. They have constructed over a million toilets in IndiaK. They further designed a system which converts the effluent into biogas, Chatterjee, P. These technologies are now used by 10 million people in rural IndiaK. This contributed greatly to the increase in number of people using a toilet, from 27% to 59% in the last 5 yearsGupta, K. N. They have also built public toilets in Afghanistan, BhutanKhare, GhanaS. T., EthiopiaRau, MadagascarB. B. and Singh, MozambiqueR. S. (1984). [ Manual on the Design, LaosConstruction and Maintenance of Low-Cost Pour-Flush Waterseal Latrines in India]. UNDP Interregional Project INT/81/047, The World Bank and CambodiaUNDP, Washington, D. They are planning to start up Sulabh Sanitation centres in 50 more countries soonC., US.
{{:Acknowledgements Sanitation}}
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