
Belgian Development Cooperation

1,401 bytes added, 00:33, 27 December 2012
{{Financebox |name =Belgian Ministry of Development Cooperation |logo = |headquarters = FPS Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Aid |Cooperation <br>logo = |rue des Petits Carmes 15 1000 Brussels, Belgium <br>headquarters = |contact = |Phone number: +32 02 501 81 11 <br>website = Email: [ linkContact/ online form]|financedby = |
aim |website = [ link]|moreinfo financedby = |Kingdom of Belgium, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
target_org= |target_projectsaim = |Belgium strives for a peaceful and secure world where poverty is a thing of the past and where there are development opportunities for all. Our efforts therefore complement those of the international community to achieve sustainable development and a fair world.target_stadia= |target_countriesmoreinfo = |target_criteria= |In its bilateral cooperation, Belgian concentrates its aid on a specific number of sectors: <br>
finance_mech = |# Healthcare finance_budget= |# Education and Training finance_minimum= |# Agriculture and Food Security finance_maximum= |# Basic Infrastructure finance_period= |# Society Building
|target_org= |target_projects= The main issues on which Belgium focuses are as follows: <br> * Millennium Development Goals* Agriculture and Food Security* Environment and Climate Change* Migration and Development* Education and Training* Basic Healthcare* Basic Infrastructure* Society Building* Gender: Equal Rights and Opportunities for Men and Women* Aid for Trade* Children's Rights* Private Sector |target_stadia= |target_countries= Belgium gives bilateral aid (i.e. aid that is provided by one country directly to another) to 18 partner countries in Asia, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. The focus of our cooperation is always in Central Africa.|target_criteria=  |finance_mech = |finance_budget= |finance_minimum= |finance_maximum= |finance_period=  |proc_application= |proc_selection = |
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