

405 bytes added, 04:59, 6 September 2015
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In order to insure success at all stages of construction, operations and maintenance, the local community needs to be trained as well to manage and maintain the dam. Promote catchment-level planning & management so that varying groups have a vested interest in the same source. They can start to address
improvements in soil/water conservation, food production & health. Previous dam committees have shown that they tend to stop functioning effectively after the construction phase. By taking longer to build the dam, e.g. 3 stages over 3 years, it may give enough time for a catchment-based dam association to form & start functioning.为了确保建造、运行和维护的每一阶段都能成功进行,当地社区也需要接受培训,以便于管理和维护沙坝。为了确保建造、运行和维护的每一阶段都能成功进行,当地社区也需要接受培训,以便于管理、维护沙坝。促进流域层面的规划和管理,从而不同的群体可以享有同一水源的既得利益。他们可以开始改善土壤/水源的保护、提升粮食生产并促进健康。先前的水坝委员会倾向于在竣工后停止工作。用更多时间建造沙坝,如,3个阶段跨越3年之久,这样能有足够的时间让处于流域区的水坝协会去建立组织,开始运作。