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关于治理干旱的更多信息,请查看: [[易干旱地区具有适应性的WASH系统]]。
====Floods洪水====Spreading basins are perfect for areas with floods. They are built to transfer excess water away from rivers, so that uncontrollable floods don't happen in unwanted places. However, in the event of too much flooding, the spreading basin must be large enough to handle the increased volumes of rain. Plus, with intense rain events, the higher velocities might be too much for the soil of the basin and create a washed out effect or likely just runoff before infiltrating. In this case, additional vegetation enhancement (to help the soils absorb more water), wetland enhancement, levee protection, and疏导水池对于洪水多发地区十分有益。这样可以将多余的河水转移走,由此控制洪水。然而在洪水泛滥的地区,盆地必须足够大才能应对增大的雨量。另外,在降雨集中的时候,水流速度可能太快,以导致土壤被冲刷,或有可能水还没来得及渗入到地下就流走了。因此在这种情况下,增加植被(帮助土壤吸收更多水分)、增加湿地、保护防洪堤以及/or additional water storage will be helpful.或增加储水量都会很有益处。
===Construction, operations and maintenance===