
Pemanenan air hujan dengan teknik atap bangunan

11 bytes removed, 09:34, 6 June 2015
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|1image=project 790.jpg |1link= |1project#=790 |1project name=Program WASH di <br>Pedesaan Bangladesh ||2image=project 440.jpg |2link= |2project#=440 |2project name=Peningkatan kesadaran tentang pemanenan air hujan ||3image=project 439.jpg |3link= |3project#=439 |3project name=Manajemen Lahan Basah <br>& Pemanenan Air ||4image=project 440.jpg |4link= |4project#=440 |4project name=Peningkatan kesadaran tentang pemanenan air hujan ||5image=project 107.jpg |5link= |5project#=107 |5project name=Pemanenan Air Hujan di Guinee Guinea Bissau |
{|style="border: 1px solid #fofofo; font-size: 125%"
|{{#ev:youtube|6KaPjPospAk|200|auto|<center>Rainwater Harvesting Pemanenan Air Hujan Nepal, <br>by oleh BSP-Nepal</center>}}|{{#ev:youtube|QaTYxX_jajs|200|auto|<center>Combating Melawan fluorosis - <br>Harvesting rooftop rainwaterPemanenan air hujan di atap</center>}}|{{#ev:youtube|wWnhYIIKY0U|200|auto|<center>Rainwater harvestingPemanenan air hujan, <br>Pushpam Singh</center>}} |{{#ev:youtube|SCNr2Ung0cc|200|auto|<center>Rooftop rainwater Pemanenan air hujan di atap - <br>Daerah pedesaan Bangalore rural district</center>}}
* [[Solution_of_the_week_5|Akvo solution of the week 5]]
===ReferensiDaftar Pustaka===