
UK - Department for International Development (DFID)

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# [ Honour international commitments] Honour the UK's international commitments and support actions to achieve the Millennium Development Goals
# [ Drive transparency, value for money and open government] Make British aid more effective by improving transparency, openness and value for money
# [ Boost wealth creation] Make British international development policy more focused on boosting economic growth and wealth creation# [ Strengthen governance and security in fragile and conflict-affected countries and make UK humanitarian response more effective]Improve the coherence and performance of British international development policy in fragile and conflict-affected countries# [ Lead international action to improve the lives of girls and women]Empower girls and women so that their lives are significantly improved and sustainably transformed through better education, greater choice on family planning and preventing violence against them # [ Combat climate change]Drive urgent action to tackle climate change, and support adaptation and low carbon growth in developing countries
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